Help!!! Police


Well-Known Member
buddy, it says Canada right on my profile. are you aware theres aplace called canada? are ya familiar with where it is?

anyway, i never said they dont look for grows with choppers. they do. but they NEVER HOVER. IT WOULD BLOW THEIR INVESTIGATION BY ALERTING YOU. they do flybys with thermal. they do this anywhere dopes illegal and they have choppers.

they use helocopters for search/locate of runners/people fleeing. they dont use them to lurk around alerting growers. city/area police will tgermal cam you from city streets (no warrent needed. they do this in the middle of the night/early morning) this way no one is aware they on to you. otherwise they would never get anyone.

and agrivated charges mean there were cicumatances that upgrade the charges. agrivated charges are available to law enforcment almost in every country that has a british style law system. if you are say POSSESING A FIREARM and growing enough weed, they can potentialy give you agrivated weapons charges. a crime concurrent to another crime.

you should watch barry coopers shit, and even the dea show that was on netflix, you see they never just hover. they fly along calmy. or they will circle, but again NIGHTTIME and its always possible they are looking for a fugitive.

side note, out here, (middle of nowhere) theres no internet hardline yet so no netflix. but im on a ranch. theres always shit to do lol
Fascinating but I was replying to the OP, 'moh556'


Well-Known Member
what do you need help with?

I'll do what I can....

with only a 12 gauge you will need to wait until the chopper gets pretty close, 10 meters or so if you are planning to bring it down, aim at the base of the propellers, it's really the only place you will be able to cause enough damage to force it to the ground.

Of course, u do also need to be ready then to rush in & finish any survivors off at close range, so u better start getting psyched up for how mental this is going to be! Just a shame u probably won't get to see the actual grow finish! lol!

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
you guys only helpful with growing but not so much with police
ok, how can we help in regards to the police....the one post gave you some decent advice on how to down the chopper with a 12 gauge....did you not like his advice?

My advice..... you really need to enhance your arsenal, as a shotgun is not the weapon of choice to down a chopper. Some police choppers actually have the light armor package thus are basically military grade fighting buddy you really ought to be thinking of purchasing at least a high powered assault weapon, preferably with armor piercing bullets.

I think what you really need is a SAM (Surface to Air Missile)……now that’s going to blow them up real good. The problem is that you can’t just go buy one at your local gun store as they are classified for military use only….bummer I know, but if you search the web you may get lucky and find some….they are not cheap but are very effective at keeping away those pesky helicopters.

You know, I have one simple request, and that is to have sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads! Now evidently my cycloptic colleague informs me that that cannot be done.
Ah, would you remind me what I pay you people for, honestly? Throw me a bone here! What do we have?


Sector 5 Moderator
I'm betting the chopper is gone by now. Most choppers don't have gas to run for 3 days. Mods, oh mods, can you close this lame-assed thread?


Well-Known Member
you guys only helpful with growing but not so much with police
you never needed any help, you were just being a paranoid little girl.

now go try to get some rest before the choppers start flyin and you get your panies in a bunch again.
I agree with kushhound,you really need a .50 cal. on helicopters.Any of the Barretts .50's will work nicely.
Draw a line in the sand and defend your plants!!! Fuck the helicopters,they're all going down!!