Help RIU Family!!!!


Well-Known Member
Sup ya'll,

I am up on this early morning on one of the 2 days a week i get to sleep in because i mess up BIG time this morning......

It all started yesterday about 7:30pm, it was my weekend to take my sisters kids(we take turns so we can get special time with the hubby atleast once a month) everything was going good until i fell asleep at about 3:00AM and the next thing i know my sisters in my room saying how light and hot it is in my room.... CRAP, CRPA, CRAP!!!! I say hey what are you doing in here, get out, and she says i never say that to you when you are walking all over my house. So i get up and get her out of the house and all the time she has this sly smerk on her face, and as she walks out her hubby says whats going on, and she laughs and says come on lets get in the car...... I go inside and ask my son what happened, you know you are not supposed to open the door if i am not around, and he says that my nephew went to the door and my sister said its me open up and he did....... So i ask my son what did she do, he said she came in and grabbed my other nephew that was sleeping, then she wanted to tell me she was taking the kids, she walked in my room seen the light from the closet peeped in the crack (i looked she was able to see atleast 3 of the 15 plant i have) then walked in my room. Now mind you, my sister has the biggest mouth she cant keep a secret she doesnt even try, i know she will tell my mom who will tell my older sister when she gets mad at me, all i need either of them to do is tell my older sister, who thinks she is sooooo high and mighty AND has a job were she could get me in some deeep trouble, i got a business deal going with her thats going to make me alot of money, she will probly cancel that!!! CRAP CRAP CRAP!!!! i messed up , i called my hubby he is freaking out. He is more worried about my older sister than anything else.... I mean look, the hubby and i work everyday, take care of our childeren the best way we know how and that darn good and are upstanding citizens who havent ever commited a crime, now i am sitting up here thinking i could loose kids, job and who know what else cause i decided to put a seed in the dirt.......

Problem # 2

I have been having a sore throat for almost a month now, i just read that smoking weed that was foliar feed is bad becuase the salts bulid up ad are toxic to smoke, i read somewere were it said to stop foliar feed 2-3 weeks into flower, then i read one that said 2 weeks before harvest, and EVERYONE said just dont do it.... Question:

1. How bad can this be for you, should i throw out all the weed.

2. Has anyone ever experienced this?

3. Can this cause cancer or something horrible like that.

4. I know i need to see a doctor, should i tell him i smoke?

My throat isnt in constiant pain, it only hurts now and again, usually after smoking, i have some BB hydro that i grew and never foliar feed, didnt get this with the BB but its all gone, i got a few to harvest next week, i have been flushing foliar & soil with water every 3 days or so the past 3 weeks... maybe harvest 2 today (may give it another week to foliar flush some more.) The other 6 have 2-3 weeks then the other 7 have about 1&1/2 months so plenty of time for these to get a good foliar flush.....



Well-Known Member
If it was me i would shut my op down immediately.
As to the bad weed if your sure that its the weed messing with your mouth because it wasn't flushed properly or over sprayed then you can water cure it to remove any crap from it.
Always shut it down if you know your compromised and either move the op somewhere else or grow outdoors.
Best of luck,hope it turns out well for you.
On a final note go and buy 15 tomato plants and put them back there and when your other sister turns up to have a pop at you say what do you mean its tomatoes:mrgreen:show her the tomatoes and see her face drop:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
for #1 I would call up your sister and beg your ass off!
for#2 shouldn't flushing take care of that, but im not really sure what foliar feed is though


Well-Known Member
Problem 2 #4: Yes you should tell your doctor you smoke, he/she can't report it to any body. He would lose his job if he did. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Good idea Nat, i was thinking of starting some tye of garden anyway..... Make her come by again and make sure she goes in the closet.

Your right Doc, i going to call her and fill her out first and if she knows i will start the begging!!!

Thanks Wordz, i was leary about that cause my insurance is through my job..... but in order to find out exactly whats wrong i need to be honest, i guess i have to tell how ofter and how i smoke too???


Well-Known Member
Your older sister would actually rat you out to police? Is that what I'm getting here... if so maybe you need to rethink your family ties.


Well-Known Member
That is fucked up! My brothers would be the LAST people I had to worry about finding out that I'm growing. That's not cool. I'm guessing you guys aren't close? Dude, if I had a sister and she fucked up MY life with her big mouth...I'd fuck her up. Just like when you're kids and you used to fight (I had only brothers, and sometimes we would straight rumble). I mean, that's like a basic rule. If your sibbling rats you out, they get their ass kicked.


Well-Known Member
My brother threatened to rat me out one time and i still go into a rage when i think about it. we have fought all our lives. thats sad that he's older than me yet i always came out on top, usually he came out bleeding from being hit with whatever i could lay my hands on at the time. needless to say he doesn't fight me anymore lol. but he's still a bitch


Active Member
i grew up with 2 brothers no 1 ever ratted we used to cover each other up all the time. if 1 got to drunk to clean his own mess the other 2 had to do it. id beat my sisters ass and tell her whats on the line is she was gonna rat. maybe not in that order though.


Well-Known Member
Thanks all, i was having a stoner parinoid moment, and i am not sure my sister would rat me out but i cant say she wouldnt, so scary enough to She is just one of those people, i love her and we are pretty close, but she kind takes what she does for a living waaaaaaay to seriously, and considering maybe she should...... just not with me...
i mean i am 1 of 4 girl and NONE i mean none of my sisters smoke they drink, i dont, but they think smoking is like horrible. and i ALLWAY get it when i come to a family occasion high, then i have to hear the crap from my mother and my sister (i miss my daddy, he didnt care either way).... i have a brother that doesnt, but he is only 12 heheheeh, then a brother (foster) that does, but he is in jail.... so even more fuell to my families fire!!!

I spoke wih my other sister yesterday, and she really sounds like she is going to be cool about, as she didnt say anything, maybe she wont tell my mom, cause she know it will upset her.... i will know sooner or later when i call my mom...

Thanks for the support..... I will keep you posted!!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks all, i was having a stoner parinoid moment, and i am not sure my sister would rat me out but i cant say she wouldnt, so scary enough to She is just one of those people, i love her and we are pretty close, but she kind takes what she does for a living waaaaaaay to seriously, and considering maybe she should...... just not with me...
i mean i am 1 of 4 girl and NONE i mean none of my sisters smoke they drink, i dont, but they think smoking is like horrible. and i ALLWAY get it when i come to a family occasion high, then i have to hear the crap from my mother and my sister (i miss my daddy, he didnt care either way).... i have a brother that doesnt, but he is only 12 heheheeh, then a brother (foster) that does, but he is in jail.... so even more fuell to my families fire!!!

I spoke wih my other sister yesterday, and she really sounds like she is going to be cool about, as she didnt say anything, maybe she wont tell my mom, cause she know it will upset her.... i will know sooner or later when i call my mom...

Thanks for the support..... I will keep you posted!!!

Great news i hope things work out it seems like she'll be cool about it tho.


Well-Known Member
I think you are rihght Defeat!!!Just wanted to let all ya'll know, i have been talking tomy mother andall my sisters for the past few day and NOTHING..... Idont know what happened, maybe she was a drunk and forgot, but its like nothing happened!!!!

Thanks again all!!


Well-Known Member
I dont know how do explain it, its got alot to do with her job. She kinda a goodie two shoe, but i was high and parinoid when i wrote this tooo, I dont know if she would, but i cant say she would'nt?? Maybe she wouldnt..... we are all really close and all.

But everything is cool, i think its has alot to do with me doing thier!!


Well-Known Member
family should stick togather. i wana tell my brother and dad but they would not approve, well i dont think they would approve anyway


Well-Known Member
My cousin is a state trooper here in LA, he knows I smoke, comes over and there's weed on the table... he doesn't care cause I'm an adult and he's not even as close as a brother! He's never smoked or anything but he's on the same page as I am... it's not harmful besides of the obvious risks of smoking anything, it's safer than every drug on this planet, and he won't enforce the federal and state law that does more harm than the drug itself. He doesn't know I grow of course but if he did I'm sure he'd just say don't tell anyone about it man and you'll be okay...


Well-Known Member
Amen Brotha!!!(#1accord!!)

Same here Socata..... but how nice would it be to tell them, just be like, "Nah parents i cant come over tonight, i am cloning my plants..." lol