Help save my babies!!

Hey guys. i need a quick hand!

i recently got some plant from a buddy that were outdoor. i brought em into my house and put them in a 5x5 hydro tent under a 600w hps.

i feed with flora nova, bud blood and sea horse kelp fert. my local tap water ph is 7.2.

my run off ph is about 7.5.

my plants-------- the growth looks alll messed up. small, yellow veiny leaves. slow slow growth. leave arnt droping tho.

what do you guys think? and i geting nute lock out cause of the super high ph. or am i over watering?


okay 1. Your ph is too high, needs to be 6.5. 2. I'm guessing you switched from OUTDOOR SOIL to INDOOR HYDRO, talk about shock. Lower the ph stop adding nutes for a while and.... well... see what happens:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
okay 1. Your ph is too high, needs to be 6.5. 2. I'm guessing you switched from OUTDOOR SOIL to INDOOR HYDRO, talk about shock. Lower the ph stop adding nutes for a while and.... well... see what happens:blsmoke:

you are growing in dirt or hydro? either way...6.2 PH is to low for want 6.8-7, 7 being perfect PH...if in hydro, you want like 5.8


I'll have to disagree i've heard and read between 6 and 7 is good 6.5 is ideal, recheck my post i said 6.5 not 6.2


Well-Known Member
you can disagree all day...your wrong...6.8-7 is what you some research before you try and help someone.


you can disagree all day...your wrong...6.8-7 is what you some research before you try and help someone.
-______- i've done research, alot of research, im not dumb, i grow soil and keep mine at 6.5, works great, not that big of a deal between 6.5 an 7 don't trip and diss my knowledge.


Well-Known Member
If it's Hydro PH it should be 5.5-6.5, soil is the one that's 6.2-6.8 (6.5 ideally).


Well-Known Member
i am not dissing either...try wont be aiming for 6.5 ever again...experience is what counts, not what you read in a book or online.


i am not dissing either...try wont be aiming for 6.5 ever again...experience is what counts, not what you read in a book or online.
Ykno, just for you, i'll try it on my next grow, who knows, might work, but if thers one problem im switching back lol


Well-Known Member
I'm using distilled so I have to use lime to fix the Cal/Mag problem anyways, so 6.5 works nicely. Not sure if using tap water, I can't use my tap water :P


Well-Known Member have to get decent soil...i use foxfarms...the reason i say get decent soil, is because with a PH of 6.8 you could also get a boron, or manganese deficiency...but the plant uses very little of those elements in comparison to calcium, or magnesium...basically risking a deficiency, for another...and picking the lesser of 2 evils...with fox farms ocean forest, i PH to 6.8...and have amazing plants under a 400w hps. i just chopped 2 down today, tallest being 18"...shortest being 14...tallest had a 26gram top cola...wet of course, and my shortest had a 22 gram top cola...leaves are still bright green...very very healthy plants...i reccomend trying it on your next grow...if you are worried just do it with 1 or 2. you wont regret it.


Well-Known Member

Someone else posted this, very informative.
That is more of a hydroponics chart... In soil, the microbiology is supposed to do all of the work of feeding the plants.. With beneficial microbes and fungi like mycorrhizae, the soil pH can vary quite a lot and not harm a plant or block it's roots from taking up nutrients..
The chart is often used, but misapplied a lot.
Soil has buffering capacity, living biology, etc, that makes measuring pH in soil unnecessary for people with a good water source.


Well-Known Member
sp...i guess...i am wrong to lol, but i am glad...i learned something...which is always love right?