Help Ty leave the Klan

Why should Ty turn his back on the Klan?

  • Because the Klan is a racist organization that is responsible for terror & lynching

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • Because the Klan is made up of small minded racists... And Ty is better than that.

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • Pig Roasts!

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • White makes him look fat.

    Votes: 7 36.8%
  • They will think his tattoo stands for "Racial Inequality Unacceptable"

    Votes: 3 15.8%
  • Mind if we dance wif your dates?

    Votes: 1 5.3%
  • Ty has a dream...

    Votes: 2 10.5%
  • klan chicks are too fat and stupid

    Votes: 6 31.6%
  • Because he can't spell massageination

    Votes: 4 21.1%
  • Ty is Sri Lankan

    Votes: 5 26.3%

  • Total voters
Hey do you guys remember when that one guy got banned for 24 hours for being racist toward a known black member here and then when he came back he claimed to black, as to make it ok that he was racist toward a black man? I'm sure @theexpress or @ClaytonBigsby know who I'm talking about.
and then he said "I live in Fresno and everything"....

I know right.. lol everyone knows real Mexicans live on 18th street...

oh btw @curious2garden thanks for giving me inspiration believe or not because of what u said that i decided that im gonna see what jobs i can do in the air force (im gonna have to lose 10 to 35 pounds though) i was debating air force or environmental science

i think it was the whole horizon thing lol

My husband did 22+ years. He has a nice pension and he is currently lining up for his second pension. We have a nice life. Hubby traveled from Philly to South East Asia to Turkey to the Middle East, Ethiopia and all points in between. He has literally been around the world staying in places long enough to learn customs, language etc...

That could be the making of you Ty. It's worth losing that bit of weight. They will train you for a decent job that you can use when you separate and if you stay the benefits package is amazing. I am thanking god I do not have to get into this health care mess you guys are having to deal with.

I hope you really consider this Ty. Suddenly you'll find you won't be a lone wolf anymore.
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My husband did 22+ years. He has a nice pension and he is currently lining up for his second pension. We have a nice life. Hubby traveled from Philly to South East Asia to Turkey to the Middle East, Ethiopia and all points in between. He has literally been around the world staying in places long enough to learn customs, language etc...

That could be the making of you Ty. It's worth losing that bit of weight. They will train you for a decent job that you can use when you separate and if you stay the benefits package is amazing. I am thanking god I do not have to get into this health care mess you guys are having to deal with.

I hope you really consider this Ty. Suddenly you'll find you won't be a lone wolf anymore.

Yeah every male in my family was either a cop/prison guard or in the military

My dad was in the air force for the usual two years and after that he tried out for the special forces but his wife at the time was pissed that he wasn't gonna just leave he made his mind up the last 2 days of the try outs (I forgot the technical name for it)

He left and got a honorable discharge but he doesn't try to get pensions or any benefits because he said it was too fun and he didn't deserve it because he didn't do much but get stoned and work on engines

He said the air force was soo damn laid back they let you drink and turned a blind eye to the mean green every now and then (it was the 70s though so its probably different now)

I hope when I take the entrance exam I can have the drone pilot job open if not ill either be a welder or logistics planning (which if I cant get a drone pilot job I probably wont get that either)

If I dont like it too much after my 2 years ill try to get a collage grant for my bachelor's degree in environmental science