Help w/ pics


Active Member
I am using 2 1000w air cooled HPS and a fan. The strain is blueberry x c99 and some afgani kush, some white widow, bubba kush, and some other unidentifyed types. Everyhting is going good just have a question on trimming, Should I remove some that are in the way a precsious bud sites. Like say about 30 or 40 fan leaves. And how high in nute strength do you think I can go. Im at 1200 now w/ no sign of nute burn 4th week.


Well-Known Member
Normally I would say to keep the leaves,
and tuck them under.

If you have a low calyx to leaf ratio
like most afghan,
then I would say trimming is OK.

This Cindy-Aloha, has a high calyx to leaf ratio and needs all of it's fan leaves.

This afghan bud has a low calyx to leaf ratio,
and trimming fan leaves will increase bud set.
