Help! Water Temp High


Well-Known Member
I got my babies in the rockwool, they haven't shot up yet, but I need to fix the temperature problem asap!

The water temp is around 30-31C =o

The 400W is giving hella heat, what should I do? I can crank the AC, but that'll make the entire house cold. My setup is in a closet, ventilation is pretty low, I got a fan facing the lamp and the ballast outside of the closet. The MH lamp (got no flour lights) about 3 feet away from the reservior. ANd I don't have much money for a portable air conditioner.

Is there any portable water/air cooling device for under $80? Should I constantly add cold water/redo ph/nuetrients for now? I got a little vent fan with a tube, should I aim that out the sliding closet door and open the other sliding door closet to the hallway and lose some light? AHH help!

Ah what if I made the water a good ph, add a little nutrients and then freeze them into icecubes? when my water is too warm, I just scoop out the equaled ammount and replace with the special ice cubes??

What's the highest plant roots can handle (temp wise) and how what kind of methods can I use to get the temp back down for good growin? alter the room temp = lower water temp? Thank you, any advice would be awesome and I'm sure others could learn a thing or 2 :)

HURRY, think of the babies :')!!


Well-Known Member
The easy and cheap way of cooling your Res would be to freeze some water bottles and plop 2-3 in your res every morning and afternoon.


Well-Known Member
Or you could buy a 4' flourescent fixture ( Around $10.) and then buy full spectrum flourescent bulb ( 6500K for around $11.00 ) unplug the 400watt mh and plug in the flourescent, lower it down close to the plants when they start to come up. You can use the flouescent light until they are at least a few inches high. By then maybe you will have come up with a ventilation solution


Well-Known Member
Lol I tried a 24oz frozen in the 10 (with 8 gals of water) at 30C water temp (86 degrees) and it melted with no temp lower within 20 minutes LoL.

I think plants are suppose to be around 65-75 water temp?

so if i were to invest on a portable AC, lowering the room temp would lower water temp...

is there a way to add some kind of nuetrient for the plant to withstand high water temps?


Well-Known Member
ah and what about freezing already premixed ph/nuetrient water, will that decompose or break some nutes when melted back?