Help! Weird growth with seedlings.


Hello everyone! So I recently started my first grow and I notice my leaves are coming in a little discolored and growing odd shaped and clustered with discoloration. So are even a little deformed. They are just a week and a half old. They have had a good growth rate but the weird growth is worrying me. I attached photos! Please help me identify the problem so I can fix it!

Thanks everyone!!



Well-Known Member
They don't need much at this stage so I would guess something is a little off with your soil or water. Nute levels and ph type of issue. More info will help.


Thanks for the response! And I am not currently adding any nutes, I am currently using water that's reading around 6.5 PH I am about to buy a more accurate digital reader. But I am using miracle grow seedling mix. I know it's not the best but I've heard it works, and it far.


Well-Known Member
what soil do you plan on using when you transplant?

me, personally; I would never use miracle gro for ANY plant of MY suggestion would be to ditch it. fox farm happy frog, ocean forest, or, their seed starter mix (can't remember the name) work well. These are just product's I've had good results with.


I do not plan on using anything miracle grow. The seedling mix was just what was available and I heard it worked fine. I actually just when out and bought a Huge bag of fox farm ocean forest. I also bought the nutrient trio pack.

Joe Blows Trees

Well-Known Member
what soil do you plan on using when you transplant?

me, personally; I would never use miracle gro for ANY plant of MY suggestion would be to ditch it. fox farm happy frog, ocean forest, or, their seed starter mix (can't remember the name) work well. These are just product's I've had good results with.
Light Warrior is the seedling soil by ff.

hellmutt bones

Well-Known Member
Hello everyone! So I recently started my first grow and I notice my leaves are coming in a little discolored and growing odd shaped and clustered with discoloration. So are even a little deformed. They are just a week and a half old. They have had a good growth rate but the weird growth is worrying me. I attached photos! Please help me identify the problem so I can fix it!

Thanks everyone!!
Oh my Godd!!! The horror! The fucking horror!
Kill them! Just fucking kill them!! Oh and flush them. Too...bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone! So I recently started my first grow and I notice my leaves are coming in a little discolored and growing odd shaped and clustered with discoloration. So are even a little deformed. They are just a week and a half old. They have had a good growth rate but the weird growth is worrying me. I attached photos! Please help me identify the problem so I can fix it!

Thanks everyone!!
Transplant and the problems will go away.


Well-Known Member
I do not plan on using anything miracle grow. The seedling mix was just what was available and I heard it worked fine. I actually just when out and bought a Huge bag of fox farm ocean forest. I also bought the nutrient trio pack.
Transplant now but do NOT feed.Don't start feeding until the 3rd week of vegging. If the plant shows the need before then do so but it won't.


Okay cool, I'll go ahead and transplant them. i was already considering transplanting them. But I wasn't sure if they were big enough to have a decent root base yet.


Well-Known Member
Dont transplant yet they would not be root bound and you will disturb the root system stressing them even more. Reduce watering to start with, raise the light. As for the retarded one it was a dud seed and the others arn't much better. Next time have a more reliable batch of seed or clones.


Buds, I am not sure what any of that will do? I am already going to give it a few more days before transplant, but as for the others, lighting is at 18,000-20,000 LUX which is perfect for seedlings and young Veg, I water once every 2-3 days given dirt moistness. Soil is moist in the photos because I took them on watering day. as for the seeds, they were purchased online by a friend and he gave me all of the ones he didn't plant so I honestly have no idea how good they are.