Help! What is this?


Hi yalls, this is from floweringday 38

I have no idea what this is and have never encountered this before.

Its only on 1 bud, and its like brown color taking over the green of the leaves and bud, and its not any nute over/under or plant sucking energy, this is something else...

Any1 have any idea? and what to do?



Well-Known Member
Hi yalls, this is from floweringday 38

I have no idea what this is and have never encountered this before.

Its only on 1 bud, and its like brown color taking over the green of the leaves and bud, and its not any nute over/under or plant sucking energy, this is something else...

Any1 have any idea? and what to do?

View attachment 2463347
looks like mold


Well-Known Member
I have to agree with hexthat...what is your RH and size of fans? Does it smell funny? Wouldn't suggest a big whiff lol


Well-Known Member
Agree with the rest. Make sure you don't smoke that shit it's really not good too!!


Well-Known Member
Have you pin pointed the problem bud? A picture in lower light would help. Then disect that bud. Get it out of there and cut it in half and see whats up. It may give you more clues. Good luck


Wow excellent forum and good help... Once again! Thanks yall!

I will cut it off and post another picture


The room is constant 20-30 degres celcius and 30-40% humidity... it never changes drasticly...
i use 400w HPS + 125w vertical CFL
2 ordinary fans, 1 exhaust 1 blowing in, kind of a own built garden with plastic in my living room, so i cant have alot of big fans blowing due to the sound and electricity. But this is my 3rd generation, and i have never had any mold or diseases like this before with this very same setup.


btw i cut the bud in like half... hope that doesnt do anything to the plant except a little stress maybe?


Light/heat burn i buy... if you have seen something alike this before and its light burn i can narrow it down to 99% that.


yes sometimes, but i have done that for generations aswell so it shouldnt be that and i probably could narrow it down to heatburn, when i think about it. :) thanks yall

(shouldnt had cut the bud :S)
