Help with 400 watt mh grow


Active Member
Hey guys!

its my first grow with my lighting setup and cabinet setup.

I was just offering my open mindedness to my fellow RIU members with the layout and setup for my grow.

I also would some info with the mixture and time period in which to use my new trial kit of some nutes i picked up.

Im thinking hydro, but im good with anything. If u have a good mixture to start out with, using these nutes, some info would be appreciated.

I'm going to post some pics of the materials i own and my current setup, and if u guys see anything you would like to reccomend or suggest on ANY aspect of the grow, please be my guest.

Thanks all!


Active Member
hey guys! finally got an update and some pics up for ya.

The first 2 pics are of the grow cab and setup. The cab is 4ft by 3ft and 5ft tall.
The next pic is of the starter kit nutes i bought just to try.
The last 2 are of some good bagseed i germinated and put under the 400 MH 3 days ago. On Sept. 29th.

again some questions, first of all the nutrient mixture, how should i mix these nutes for the phases of plant growth. I know i will have to buy more, since its a small quantity. But just for starters, any recommendations?

Also what method of hydroponics would best suite the accomodations my cab has to offer?

and lastly, how many plants do u think a Cab of this size would be able to hold properly?

any other tips or tricks, or things you wish you would have known your first time would be great! thanks guys!



Active Member
its going great. probably 85.

have a fan, i actually turned it off because it was TOO cold! lolz!