help with beans


Active Member
can't make my mind up on which two
grab dna la confidential ,
subcool deep purple
dj shgort blue berry


Well-Known Member
Blueberry can be a bitch to grow, she is a needy girl. The yeilds are not the best with the blueberry I would say average at best but the smoke is killer. So if you are looking for head stash go with the blueberry. If you are new to growing and want a easier plant to grow go for the other ones.
All three are awsome never grown deep purple but it is tga so it will probably kickass.Hope this helps best of luck with the grow and whatever strain you choose.


Well-Known Member
Blueberry is just that a nice smoke but like stated the yields at perfect conditions are not that great for the price you pay for the beans. If you havnt grown before start with something that doesnt require alot of love to get the feel of what you need to do, suck to waste all that money on a over water or a ph problem