help with hydro crispy leaves


Well-Known Member
just moved to hydro and dont know anything about it but it seems like something is offcuz the edge of some of the leaves are turning crispy and burnt they arent changing color just drying out and getting crispy i asked a friend about it but he only knows soil and he said that happened to him from too much nitrogen but i wanted to ghet some help from someone experienced with hydro before i redo nutes

i dont have a ppm meter yet but i am running 2000w hps on a 60 site aeroflo 2 the nutes right now are

a little less than 1tsp mper gallon gh micro (all i had for micro)
a little less than 1 tsp per gallon botanicare grow
little less than 1 tsp per gallon botinacare organic bloom
little less than 1 stp per g botanicafrer cal-mag

imnot sure exactly how to do the nutes since im not vegging at all sraight from cloner to flower so i did a liottle less thaqn what the botle said for transition from veg to flower but im wondering if it is too much N should i jut use ther botanicare flower nutes and the cal mag

also the room is a littler hot right now still fixing the ventilation right but i have had rooms hotter than this and not turned my leaves crispy

thanks for any help i get but im really only looking for help form people who actually grow hydro

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
You absolutely can't get by without a PH and PPM meter for Hydro! It's simply a MUST HAVE or you are going to see problem after problem.... death after death.

I can tell you from experience that the Botannicare ProGrow product label for hydro was wrong and WAY over shot the feeding ratios.

I'm going to guess your PPM is WAY HIGH and the crispy leafs are just the beginning of the problem. I have no idea what's going on with your PH as you didn't mention.... but the Botannicare nutes DRASTICALLY lower the PH ..... so I'm guessing yours is somewhere in the 4.5 range (way too low for hydro).

If you can't get a PH / PPM meter RIGHT AWAY then I'd suggest you move the plants to soil PRONTO.... you are just wasting your time without a meter. Trust me... I killed enough plants in the beginning when I didn't have a meter to know this to be true ;)


Well-Known Member
man that sucks i cant afford a meter till i finish these plants lol im gonna have tyo try a lower strength mix or something my ph is right around 5.5 unless it changed since last night ill check again but i think ima just tryu a way weaker mix and see how it works and start some new clones just in case thanks