help with my bud

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Well-Known Member
I pulled a couple nugs off my plant for tester how can I fix the hay taste and smell? Please help


Active Member
You can fix the hay smell by harvesting your plant at the correct time (not early due to impatience), drying it properly (slowly and until its actually dry) and curing..


Member microscope....who told you to smoke it? quit posting until you know how to grow...(Bigrake =>300+ post) , you really need more reading and videos....

hope this helps


Well-Known Member
Look you little fucking kid didn't your mother and father teach you anything !!(IF YOU DON'T HAVE ANYTHING NICE TO SAY THEN DON'T SAY ANYTHING)

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
the hay smell usually goes away after a good dry. does the bud smell like dank on the plant?
just make sure u hang to dry, when u chop, let dry then do final trim. then jar. dank smell will be there.


Well-Known Member
I took a little bud hung it for three days or so and Jared it for a week. I know that's not the right way just wanted to see what the green was talking I'M a first time grower but have done my research I can't really find a for sure drying method. I know a couple ways I want to try but sence I've never done it I doubt it.


Well-Known Member
I would love to see the thread you found in your extensive research that said cutting tester nugs isn't the biggest waste of weed ever.


Well-Known Member
Dry until the stem easily snaps and then jar for about 2 weeks,some strains won't have that hay smell fresh off the tree or the bad taste,like my OG tree had 1 branch on the bottom that was
done and also snapped so it dried outside for a few days but it was till a lil moist when i smoked it and it was pretty good,the dank smell wasn't there as much but it wasn't bad,just don't pick
early cause that seems to be the problem with most people buds since they are not fully ripe.


Well-Known Member
Never said I found a thread stating that. So because I took some green early I didn't do research? I don't care what anyone with bull shit has to say. This is a lame free thread!!!! Lmao


Scientia Cannabis
This thread isn't going anywhere.

In the future, don't insult people who are trying to help and don't insult the OP for his questions.
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