Help with my first grow (pics)

Hey guys, I'm eight days into my first ever grow and am wondering when and at what rate to move my lights up. Right now they're about 3.5 inches from the tip of the bulbs and she's loving it, I just don't want it to get to close or stunt her growth by keeping them too low. She's a Berry Ryder, Lights are 4 23w 6500k cfl and 2 23w 2700k cfl, 18-6 hrs, grow space 36"H 18"W 16"D, in a 2 gal pot, 50% perlite 50% MG organic soil ( I know it's not the best but its all that's available on the Canadian east coast)
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Well-Known Member
you move it up as the plant grows 5-6" is a safer distance
auto's are known for a inch or more of growth daily sometimes
this is just a personal preference but i like my light a little higher at first
to get it to stretch a little over the first couple of weeks i slowly bring it down to
the final distance


Well-Known Member
figure id add the soil is fine your going to want to start a light feeding at or around preflower / 3-5 nodes
after the plant is a little stronger the soil will start to run out of nutes at a month and a half or so and you will need to supplement it


Well-Known Member
They should be starting to flower at 21-30 days. I feed them lightly on veg nutes but up start on bloom nutes alternating the 1 st two weeks of flower. Then go to straight flower nutes.