Help with my little box


First time grow

150 watt hps - sun system
18" deep, 2 ' wide, 4' tall
120 volt pc fan taking air out at the top
a passive intake near the bottom.
Made of wood.

I am wondering if the small pc fan will be enough to keep it running cool. Not sure how hot the 150 watt gets when running in a enclosed area. Since its a wood build I would hope to avoid fires.

Also wondering what i should cover the inside with? just paint white seems to be a option? maybe there is something out there which is heat tolerant and reflects well?

I am planning on growing mellow, just a plant or two at a time.

If anyone takes the time to read this thanks in advance!


Active Member
The only way to know for sure is to try it. If it gets too hot just get a bigger fan or re design it.


Active Member
Hey humanfive,

Sounds like a cool setup you've got there.
Maybe think about getting a few more CPU fans if you're going that route, not necessarily because of fires, but just for the sake of the plant.
it could get pretty hot for a seedling or clone, and a lot of air flow is never a bad thing.

I'd like to see how this works out!


thanks guys,

Maybe i will toss another outtake up top and toss a cpu fan into the passive intake.

Any advice on what the interior should be? reflective material or paint.. I have a little grow shop a bike ride away which i'm sure i could check out ,but looking for the most effective without spending large amounts of money.

as soon as its all put together (next few days hopefully) I'll toss a photo up



"white paint works great it has about 85% reflectivity mylar has like 95%"

It took me a few minutes but found what i needed.


Well-Known Member

"I am wondering if the small pc fan will be enough to keep it running cool. Not sure how hot the 150 watt gets when running in a enclosed area. Since its a wood build I would hope to avoid fires."

The 150 watt will roast the plants in that tiny area, you'll need a much more powerful fan.


"Also wondering what i should cover the inside with? just paint white seems to be a option? maybe there is something out there which is heat tolerant and reflects well?"

Plain white paint is great,cheap. If you have to buy go to the paint desk and ask for the most reflective paint.

I use Reflectix, 97% reflective, tough. Home Depot. I use it for walls on 2"x4" frames. White paint may be better for you, simpler, cheaper.


"I am planning on growing mellow, just a plant or two at a time."

In 18" x 24" I could grow one plant my style - I get about 3 litres of cured bud per plant x 12 plants with a 600 watt. The same space for 1 plant with a 150 watt will yield less, I'm not sure how much. Pics in the thread linked below.