Help with plant


Well-Known Member
Your welcome, If your other plants are looking healthy then I would leave them be, just keep a close eye on them. In fact if they continue to do well, I really would wait for them to develop a good root system before transplanting, they will do so much better. (I'm sounding like a broken record now, sorry!)

Just one more tip after you have flushed your seedlings the soil will be a little waterlogged. In my experience it would be very helpful to add a little heat to the bottom of your pots. You want your soil temp to be between 65F and 75F.

Oh and your welcome,

And good luck.


Well-Known Member
he never said he was changing soils unless i missed something.and another thing if the soil he has is flushed thoroughly there won't be any nutes to over feed with...if you can solve the problem without spending more money i have to say it?............
he didnt say he was changing soils he was having problems and a couple people suggested that the mg is no good and you should not grow earb in it and he took good advice and got good dirt get ready for some really good tasting shit my friend


Well-Known Member
hey guys thanks for all the replys.... Im going to flush the plant when i do this how much water does it usally take? And when i transplant it will be put in foxfarms ocean forest soil. Just ordered some today
that was a very smart decsion my frien you will love it the new growth will take off and it will have a really good taste to it if you
a.dont add nutes for about the first 3 weeks its in the new soil and then when you do gve it start out smaller than you normally would and increase from there and

b.stop giving nutes 3 weeks before harvest instead of the norm 2 weeks then leech it really good dry and cure really good and you got good stuff good kuck

ive grown in foxfarms and used there nutes and other nutes for about 3 years so my advice is what ive acctualy done and went through check the journal I FINALY GOT MY big room AND IM going hydro FOR THE FIRST TIME with my bounos soil grow to just starting it out TOOK 3 YEARS TO GET OUT OF THAT DANM CLOSET


Well-Known Member
that does look alot like nute burn if the soil is pre nuted then thats probley what it is. If you are adding nutes your self then stop its way to younge for that and if your not then switch it over the the fox farm as soon as you can

what i found for that problem is just use black soil its commen in alot of areas if you know here to look!!
Try lookin in high:) areas where there is a swamp near by
stop using all nutes its way to young as said above... i find that it is way easeir to get good soil from your back yard then goin out and spend the $ to get something that isnt goin to work i maybe wrong but i transplanted into dirt from the yard Northern ONT. and my plants took off like crzy....


Well-Known Member
he didnt say he was changing soils he was having problems and a couple people suggested that the mg is no good and you should not grow earb in it and he took good advice and got good dirt get ready for some really good tasting shit my friend
He did ;-)

Check his first post out.

Or am I reading it wrong?
Man, now I'm confused :?


Well-Known Member
Alright everyone.. I flushed 2 of my 3 plants because of the nuteburn and the new growth looks good so far. Does anyone think it will stay that way? I dont want this to happen again. Any tips to prevent this from happining again?( keep in mind there in MG for now) It also looks like I will have to flush my thrid plant due to nuteburn. I was trying to hold off till I get my new soil but I dont think it will make it. Any thoughts?..... Thanks Again!


Well-Known Member
It's good to hear the first 2 are recovering.

Flush that 3rd plant asap. Same as you did with the other 2. And feed distilled water ph 6.2 - 6.8 , until you can get them in the new soil. If I remember rightly that mg soil is ph5 so aim for a ph of 6.8 as this will raise the ph of the soil a little quicker and make things more comfortable for your plants.

When they are in the new soil I would continue to feed plain water at the same ph for at least a week, more like a fortnight before adding any nutrients. And when you do start adding nutes start lightly. (1/4 strength sould be fine)


Well-Known Member
Thanks alot for all your advice trickky. I just flushed my last plant so hopefully it will recover. My other 2 are growing good (hopefully they wont get nute burned again) I should be getting my new soil anyday... do u think it will be ok to transplant right away or should i wait a little?


Well-Known Member
Thanks alot for all your advice trickky. I just flushed my last plant so hopefully it will recover. My other 2 are growing good (hopefully they wont get nute burned again) I should be getting my new soil anyday... do u think it will be ok to transplant right away or should i wait a little?
No worries,

The chances are, you will have leached out most of the undesirables from your mg soil, in which case you could leave them be for a week, to recover a little before transplanting.

Personally, I wouldn't take that chance, I would transplant as soon as you can. At least then you know they are definately in more comfortable soil.

If as you say, they have been showing signs of recovery, you wont need to be as hands on when transplanting (removing old soil etc.). You can just slight the whole root ball out of one pot and straight into your new soil.

Its good to hear things are improving,
Good luck.