Help with Strain


Well-Known Member
Hey all, I need help figuring what straing this is? It has three leaves. I thought it was a kush of some sort maybe a haze? Anyone ever seen this type of weird plant. I remember seeing the mother she was super tall and lanky and taking forever to flower.


Papi Chingon

Well-Known Member
i just took a long look and i could be mistaken, but i'm pretty sure it's the dingleberry fuckfarts. actually, i just took another look and can confirm that it is indeed the dingleberry fuckfarts.


Well-Known Member
dude looks like a sativa

But you wont beable to tell the strain unless you know for a fact what it is.

And it'll grow more leaves bro lmao


Well-Known Member
After searching the Internet for hours I can't find a strain called Dingleberry Fuckfarts. It sounds like you just pulled that name out of your ass.


Well-Known Member
I knew it was a dumb question right when I posted and reread it. I was expecting the shit talk, but I am no noob, check my perpetual grow.