help wot transplant


Well-Known Member
I got 3gallon pots for my plants how can I get the our of the 1 g hard plastic pots with out hurting plant the roots were coming to the surface of dirt plz help thanks


Well-Known Member
Let them dry out a little then squeeze the pots around the sides. If you can't squeeze then give it some taps around the sides. Place your Palm against the soil at the base of the stalk and turn the pot upside down while supporting the stalk and the soil mass. Tap the sides of the pot again and give it a wiggle, the root mass should slide right out.

Be sure to have the new home prepped and ready when you do this.

It's really quite easy, the plant is delicate but will take a fair amount of jostling.


Well-Known Member
Let them dry out a little then squeeze the pots around the sides. If you can't squeeze then give it some taps around the sides. Place your Palm against the soil at the base of the stalk and turn the pot upside down while supporting the stalk and the soil mass. Tap the sides of the pot again and give it a wiggle, the root mass should slide right out.

Be sure to have the new home prepped and ready when you do this.

It's really quite easy, the plant is delicate but will take a fair amount of jostling.
Exactly. Or put the stem between middle and ring finger then flip upside down.


Well-Known Member
thanks for info I cut the old pots they were only a $1 in half n got them out that way and y are the roots going up to the surface? This is y I put in 3g containers


Well-Known Member
Two potential reasons;
1) they were root bound and had no other place to go

2) your soil is too wet and they are trying to get O2


Well-Known Member
how tall do u intend to grow ur plant...if nt more than 4 feet i would say let them b in the same pot...rootbound..yes bt it wont be a problem as long as u feed them properly n water them everyday...1G is enough for a 4 feet plant ...infact m in the 8TH week f my sativa dominant grow in a pot less than 1 liter probably .8 or .9 ltrs ...n its a staggering 2 feet tall n budding really a months time it will b amazing are some pix ... da pic u see in dis link was ending f 6th week n see the container size with measure of 1 foot ruler


Well-Known Member
ya that was bout size if mine maybe lil bigger not much this is my first time growing in only 4 weeks from seed so I got sum time before mine look like yours they. Are nice thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
ok i ll keep u guys updated about my harvest.....i hope it wil b pretty decent considering its a bagseed n also in small pots...well i did this just for an experiment to get an approx idea as too how much less i would yield in small pots ..i dun think it will b considerable but yes a noticibl diff m sure .i hav clones of them one in 5 g pot n other in 2 g pot......


Well-Known Member
I take a long slender knife and work it around the inside of the pot. Squeezing the pot, if possible, is a good way to start. Also, plants will slide out of smaller pots better if you let the plant get pretty dry first. Try not watering for a couple of days prior to the TP.

Good luck, BigSteve.