
So I checked my seedlings this morning and everything seemed ok. The rockwool was a little moist so I thought they'd be good til lunch. I get home and 3 out of the 4 little girls have flopped over! FUCK! One of them is a goner for sure. What can I do to spare the others? Or is there no hope for them? Damnit! Should've watered this morning! I'm such an idiot! Any and all help please!


Active Member
Hey junkie,

Give them a bit of water - not too much though. First of all, they're seedlings, and 2nd of all, rockwool holds water in well, so don't over do it. Mother nature will take care of the rest, no need to worry.

HELL YEA! I watered them a little bit before I had to go back to work and what do you know....they are now standing straight up like my c0ck! Hell yea, I'm stoked! Thanks fellas.