

Well-Known Member
Basement room is 12 x 13
Basement closet is 4x3x8 lined with mylar and within larger sealed up..
4in inline exhaust top corner OF CLOSET..400w MH..
Closet is MOSTLY SEALED..Diy CO2.2L BOTTLE 12-14 inch oscillating fan..
DWC..2 plants in one 18 gallon tote...3 INCH NET POTS
RH IS 46%..TEMPS ARE 95 DEGREES! A/C is upstairs..QUESTION: is it ok to open closet door into bigger room to cool it down some? Only drops 5 degrees. Ambient temp 85 outside. I was using co2 cause its sooo damn hot. Should i shut it down? Or shud i skip co2 and open closet doors and give up some lighting? Help!