
I need help my ppms keep rising and ph level drops a couple every day just did nute change blue dream out grew my room roots look brown left nutes at 700 rose to 800 overnight I only have 3 weeks left what should I do ppms were at 1000 but I lowered them down but still rising and adding water every other day my second grow I grew indica first time aced it sativas have giveing me every problem there possible is. also I have mites and small mount of mold but not on buds should I cut the leaves mighty wash works well for mites I veged for six weeks blue dream didnt expect monsters or no how to train them like I did my kush strain these are all well over 6ft any advice will help thanks​



Active Member

How are you? Seems you have some problem there but hope you still having a nice day. I will try to help you the best i can.

My first question is; Do you have any pictures to show? Often the plant speak by itself. Second question; What medium are you using? Soil? Soiless? Hydro? Usually when the roots that to turn brown its a sign of root rot. Which could be associated to different problems.

Do you have a good air flow in the room? You been talking bout molds. Mods usually start to form when there is a lack of ventilation. (Best fixed by using oscillating fans)

Watering too much can be a problem since the roots will lack of oxygen by having too much water. The ideal is to water until you start to see a run off.

For the blue dream, if it stretched like a monster, the worst is already done. You could top few times to slow the stretching also some LST could help your situation but once again, pictures could really help finding the right solution.

Another question. What is the temperature and humidity % in your growing room? What is your feeding schedule? Nutrient schedule?

Once you reply, i will try to help you more once i got your answers.

Have a nice day!


Well-Known Member
If your ppms are raising mysteriously, then the plants are overfed...simple as that...give them less nutes available and they will stop adding more to the mix.


Well-Known Member
Flush your system for a day with clean water and some h2o2. Drain your system and start with lower ppm. Mighty wash for the mites. Pm wash for mold. Those are the only products I would use this late in flower.