

i went and bought a 60x-100x scope and its kinda like fuck i cant hold it away and focus to see and i dont wanna just go rubbing the damn thing on the buds there very trichy i cliped a few sugar leafs and checked them that way is that right??? and beginning a novice really dont understand what im looking at if any1 knows of a few good pictures that tells me what im looking for as done appreciated and a good way to make it so top heavy plants stay up poor at the moment and duck tape and string isn't working lol


thanks good article i got a cheap radio shack one should i be checkin the bud straight on plant or is checking the sugar leafs a good determing factor on the overall doness of the plant?? 4.5f super sour diesel 2 months flowering... 4f royal purple kush 2 months... 3.7f sage 7 weeks....... og kush bag seed 9 weeks.... and thats all from 1st pistils...

Nutes and Nugs

Well-Known Member
It's a combination of sugar leaves and the bud itself.
Good to pinch and fast dry a bit to test it. I dry it at least 3 days before a test.
It's a bitch to check on the plant but a small sample you can lay out and take a good look.
If the flower time says 8 weeks, add another week. 9 weeks - 10, 10 weeks - 11 weeks
You have to find what's best for you and the strain. Also cut a few down at a time (if possible) and take notes.
Let a couple really start to really go amber b4 you chop em.
I call those my NyQuil bags.