

Well-Known Member
How long have they been flowering and what are you feeding them? The reason I ask about feeding is because too much can actually stunt bud growth and leave you with small flowers that never really develop into nice big cola's and buds.

I won't bother commenting on the merits of taking photos in natural light since it's apparently become taboo to inform people that photos should be taken without the color effects of HPS or some LED lighting.

But from those photos there is nothing that would point to hermaphrodite. At least I don't see anything.
Cool, flowering for about 3 weeks, ive put a wee heater in on a timer for during the day. hopefully they will respond that, my readings on the truncheon are around 18-22 on the readings, there is another plant which is flowering okay. It might just be the heat, ill bung up it up.


Well-Known Member
If i pump the heat into them after 3 weeks or so of flower, whats the recovery prognosis?
I can't say with any degree of certainty what you will achieve by pumping heat into them. And those temps you mentioned are not cold enough to really cause an issue during lights out. If those have only been flowering for three weeks they have plenty of time to fill out. Three weeks is a little early to start panicking. Flowering time comes down to genetics. Some strains flower faster than others. If that's a 12 - 13 week strain it has plenty of time to fill out. If it's a fast flowering strain it needs to hurry up and get going but it is not outside of the realm of possibilities for that to have a decent growth spurt and surprise you. But realistically, you provide little information so you get little response.
I can't say with any degree of certainty what you will achieve by pumping heat into them. And those temps you mentioned are not cold enough to really cause an issue during lights out. If those have only been flowering for three weeks they have plenty of time to fill out. Three weeks is a little early to start panicking. Flowering time comes down to genetics. Some strains flower faster than others. If that's a 12 - 13 week strain it has plenty of time to fill out. If it's a fast flowering strain it needs to hurry up and get going but it is not outside of the realm of possibilities for that to have a decent growth spurt and surprise you. But realistically, you provide little information so you get little response.
Okay i get what your saying about the lack of information, maximum temp. Is around 75°f, minimum is on average 45-50°. The strain i am using is glueberry dutch passion, using Canna Coco A & B, with Canna soil in a 10 ltr pot, under a 600 watt HPS, humidity is 50-60 %. im sure they will perk up. Thanks for the advice though man, its appreciated.