herbies fault? or noobs fault

  • ah shit he strikes again with his .02 that doesnt help anything. are you trying to earn a higher rank by posting bull? move along man.
  • @helmut wanna blow me?

I could only assume that your referring to me about the .02 cents.

So obviously you must have your head up my ass to say that. Whats up wanna fu$k bitch!
Second that must be the case cause I post all the time rant and rave.
Or wait am I truly in it for the knowledge.

Third look at my post , I simply asked why would someone squeeze a seed!(Thinking he could elaborate on why?) Think about it , oh Im gonna take some small precious seed and squeeze it, making fking sense.

Doesn't matter tell them what you did .

I squezzed a womans breast and it exploded.. turns out they where fake and silicon was poisoning her body.. is that my fault? Who told u to get fake tits??
Tham Noob!bongsmilie
i thought you could squeeze the seeds lightly too test viability? is this false information?

Squeeze test is legit, very common quality control check for seeds of many varieties. I give a gentle squeeze to all but the smallest of seeds from most plants. If it cracks it was damaged already and had a very low chance of growing. Don't listen to those who have obviously hit their head against a wall a few too many times.
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yeah ive done the squeeze to every seed ive planted. and ive had seeds I deliberately tried to squeeze n break that wouldnt crack in the slightest.
Imo only a noob would think it's not OK to squeeze a seed... I've squeezed every seed I've ever planted..I haven't grown a lot of weed in my lifetime 40 lbs or so but I have grown enough to know that these weeds are strong and resilient no matter how bad or rough you treat them.. that being said, don't tell the company you squeezed them!!
well i already told them i had squeezed it. im not exactly too worry about a refund, even though thatd b great. i trust herbies too make it right. i havent investigated the seeds insides but my guess is they will be black. like the shell was
Imo only a noob would think it's not OK to squeeze a seed... I've squeezed every seed I've ever planted..I haven't grown a lot of weed in my lifetime 40 lbs or so but I have grown enough to know that these weeds are strong and resilient no matter how bad or rough you treat them.. that being said, don't tell the company you squeezed them!!
Shut up noob! Dont tell him our seed squeezeeng secrets!
well i already told them i had squeezed it. im not exactly too worry about a refund, even though thatd b great. i trust herbies too make it right. i havent investigated the seeds insides but my guess is they will be black. like the shell was
Tham noob why did u tell them that?
because I'm not a liar? obviously, regardless of me squeezing it... lightly may i add it was a bad seed. why are youstill commenting but just beinga dick? i don't get it
Ahh, the old crush test. The weak always talk.