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Very nice grow. plus rep diff 4 a newb, and you started off with

Ok you can harvest the top half but you can also kill your plants.. I've done a hundred times trying to keep males short. Instead I suggest cutting off a little for you to smoke for a couple of weeks (like the lower branches) and let the whole plant mature, the top cola's will be over ripe, but they will give you a different high then the lower branches.. Just look at like this a over ripe Banana is sweeter then a green banana...

It takes patience and a whole lot of it...


this is my first grow and im using aeroponics. I would like to harvest from the top branches and then let the lower branches continue to mature. I was wondering what your suggestion would be for the best time to flush the nutes? Wouldnt the lower branches still need the nutes?
Oh hell. Ok in yield a gram per watt is ideal for a pro..

Now I don't use carbon filters because I enjoy the smell and don't have worries, The first advice I can give you is don't let anyone in your house that you don't trust, and don't trust anyone...iF YOU LIVE IN A APARTMENT the change the locks they won't bust down their own door to spray for bugs and change the AC filter.. other then that I can't think of any reason to have any worries other then your growing at your parents house and your dad is a police officer.....hehe

ok masterofgenetics i am also starting my first grow . and i am concerned about the smell . i don't have too much cabbage to spend . so i thought about getting a odor sok filter . its cheap(60 or so bucks) and people say it works . but i don't know how i would go about using it . if you could explain how i would use it . or give me another type of filter / fan that would be good .by the way it isn't a stealth grow and i got a pretty good size closet to set up shop in . ...and if it isn't too much trouble do you have some type of watt to lumen chart. so i know how many cfls to use . or do you know the vigorous growth minimum of watts ?


Well-Known Member
in hydroponics , my baby is and on or second week she cruses , ppm 300 and ph 5.5 , high nitrite and low nitrete , the first set of leafs getting yellow too soon ,.. help please:-|


hi there thanks for the help i was wondering is it ok to flush before flowering and if so what are the effects thank you
clororide which is what the city water uses now a days instead of cloroine because it's more stable the cloroine, which means you can ph the water but by the next day it raise back to 8.2, therefore you need to use RO water as stated in the post b4. but if you are growing from clone then you probably had a unhealthy or stunted cut..
but there is number of problem you could be dealing with..

So if you can find anything else that could help then fell free to post it..

thanks bro


in hydroponics , my baby is and on or second week she cruses , ppm 300 and ph 5.5 , high nitrite and low nitrete , the first set of leafs getting yellow too soon ,.. help please:-|
you can flush every other watering if you like, but I flush watering by flushing the soil with plain water just enough to see water come out of the bottom then ph it, see what you get then adjust nute mix, start with high ph to raise it..

hi there thanks for the help i was wondering is it ok to flush before flowering and if so what are the effects thank you


cheers for that then when would be the right time to pollinate the female with the male. also when would the male be ready to produce pollen. can hermaphrodites pollinate themselves cheers in advance


hey guys i am just growing 4 plants right now and its in a home built box in my garage. the thing is i am in colorado so the nights in the box can get around 50 and up to 85 in the days, im only 5 weeks into veg and they have made it this far. will they flower ok with the temps like that?
Hi. I just bought a clone from my co-op and it has mold. I got a good price for it, so I got it. I just dont know how to get rid of the mold.
I have it under 400w HPS. It is flowering right now. It is about 2.5 feet tall. Super Lemon Haze.
I have a fan on it to keep the moisture off.
It is stressing your plant. Extreme light change and temperature change will stress your plant. If you go from eighty and then to fifties, or lower it is pretty drastic.

I suggest that you put your plants near a tv, or something that you use a lot that produces heat. During the night, your light should provide some heat... unless you're under Florescent lights. I know my tv gets really hot and that could help the temp. Also, a heating mat, like the ones you use for cloning can raise the ambient temp by ten degrees.
Lets start off with Sixx A.M's Van Nuys

So here are the pictures of the Herbal Assault, I have two females and one male, two different phenotypes.

The parents are
(comrade (white ruska x white russian) x (dj shorts blue berry x Apollo 11))

Which is some what of a auto-flowering strain since they were flowering under 24 they were flipped on the 11-23 so about two weeks... These pictures were taken today..

First, this is the shorter, faster flowering pheno

Now this is the other pheno smells alot like blueberry

And here is the male which has the blue berry pheno also

My Jack Herer

A room shot!

Veg room! all Jack...the one on the right is going in the kiddie pool next week, filled of Coco it's about 50 gallons... I'm vegging it for a year for a record attempt for the largest indoor plant in the world.. I probably will fall short.. But at least I will pull some serious weight off of it.. Don't laugh but I am going 5 pounds... it can be done I am using a vertical and horizontal scrog and training the shit out of it and topping it hundreds of times..

Here is a link to that grow..

The official marijuana world records

And My Herijuana x shoreline beans just popped so did the green crack and the Sagamartha Mix

Hope Ya'll enjoyed keep it green!:weed:
I have a question....can you mix raw sugar with water and use it on your plant for a molasses type effect? I'm talking about the raw cane sugar that's still brown and unprocessed.



hey man have you ever heard of a stunted plant ? i planted a seed about 5 months ago and it is only 2 inches tall and is budding. the leaves are still tiny and it has white whisps on it im curoius if i should just leave it alone in the pot it is in or should i put it in a hydroponic system i built for a single plant? i left my camera at work so i cant post pics now but if you want them then i can post some of both the system and my plant.



i have a question - i have a plant almost 7 weeks flowering and just noticed what i thought looked like seeds in the bud - so i very gently picked one off and squeezed it - it was full of fluid/juice??? could this be a calyx (sp?) or do i have a hermie??? i have never seen a bud that was pollenated so i don't know what they look like but i have seen males and they don't look like seed pods - they have hairs coming out of them. again your expertise is greatly appreciated
Hey man. I think i have read this some where. If i could put the bong down for a minute. I could comphrend this shit. My question, is about hermies. Good or bad???????? I have ridded my garden of males. Thanks...


Mother plant clawing leaves... Can cold weather cause this?? Its can get around 34 degress..

other than the clawing the plant is growing nicely with plenty of new growth


Well-Known Member
I'm 3 weeks into my first grow and I have a newbie pH question. I recently discovered that my probe type pH tester is only good to use on dirt and went and bought some pH test strips for aquariums. Now that I have the right pH info I started doing research on it. I've heard 5 theories.

1) 6.3 is best setting for water
2) 6.5 is best setting for water
3) 7.0 is best setting for water
4) The dirt pH determines the right pH for water, when added together the dirt & water's pH should be 12.5
5) Dont test the water, test the run off and adjust the water so the run off is 6.3

I have no idea what to beleive. Can you please help