Here's what happens after decades of uninterrupted democrat party rule!


New Member
I don't reveal all of my sources, but cross referencing is done.

I have always followed economics and the stock market. Everything comes from these systems, all the politics, all the greed, all of it.

Once you can put together enough pieces, a larger tapestry of what is going on unfolds. The more you know, and more ppl you know, the more that is revealed.

For example, I knew the real estate market was over 6 months before anyone called it publicly. I also knew enough to pull all the equity out before it was too late. Never leave equity in a falling market. I then knew enough to move into oil and phosphate at the appropriate time. So while it was going down in real estate all around me, I was going up up up.

Now you want to know my sources? Nope. For one thing, some of it is complicated. Another thing is, never give up an edge.

I've earned my edge. It's taken years to get there.

I am politically blind, and that is key. If you enter an issue with a political bias, ur already off course.
quit bickering about the repubs and democrats and realize that they are damn near the same party
the political spectrum looks something like this:
<---anarchy--------libertarians------------------------repubs/dems-----socialists/fascists/communists----totalitarian gov't--->
george bush and the repubs fucked it up and barack obama the bitch pelosi and the rest of the dems are fucking it up worse---at some point you have to realize that neither gives a fuck about spending OUR money.....yes california is a picture of what all of america will look like in the years ahead unless we truly vote change

and to the person saying look at brazil and be thankful, sorry but just because another country is run like shit and ours is better, doesn't mean we stop striving to make ours better than what it is.


New Member
Just because you color things politically FIRST, doesn't mean others do.

It seems funny to you because it is a foreign idea.

Not so for me.


Well-Known Member
I don't reveal all of my sources, but cross referencing is done.

I have always followed economics and the stock market. Everything comes from these systems, all the politics, all the greed, all of it.

Once you can put together enough pieces, a larger tapestry of what is going on unfolds. The more you know, and more ppl you know, the more that is revealed.

For example, I knew the real estate market was over 6 months before anyone called it publicly. I also knew enough to pull all the equity out before it was too late. Never leave equity in a falling market. I then knew enough to move into oil and phosphate at the appropriate time. So while it was going down in real estate all around me, I was going up up up.

Now you want to know my sources? Nope. For one thing, some of it is complicated. Another thing is, never give up an edge.

I've earned my edge. It's taken years to get there.

I am politically blind, and that is key. If you enter an issue with a political bias, ur already off course.
You are the most politically biased person on this site...:bigjoint:


New Member
It's called economics ... just look it up. itisn't about politics? Nonsense. It is the ONE SIDED party rule of Cali. that has brought them to their knees. They are already begging for a bailout from US.

The answer should be NO!!!

Nothing for irresponsible economic political rule. Only the Dem's left unchecked can destroy a state's economy.

This is now the future for the country under Obama and the Democrats. make no mistake, there will be no one to blame this time, we all know who's pulling the wrong levers.

Yes, Cali is the 7th largest economy in the world, but is going to collapse....thanks to liberal policies left unchecked.
Republican governator for last 5 years, whoo whoo. Seems like it got way worse since Grey Davis left, Not to say it wasn't on the verge, But Arnold promised reform, reform, not so much.


New Member
Republican governator for last 5 years, whoo whoo. Seems like it got way worse since Grey Davis left, Not to say it wasn't on the verge, But Arnold promised reform, reform, not so much.
Ahhhnold's party affiliation has nothing to do with the state of the State of California. California is controlled by a super-majority democrat legislature ... and the legislature is controlled by the state employee unions.

This will remain the same until the majority of Californians realize that they are being economically enslaved through deficit spending, excessive taxation, excessive regulations and the resulting unemployment.

Its time to throw the Marxists out and usher in free market thinkers.

By the way Med ... are you an avowed Marxist, or just a dupe?


New Member
...and i suppose your shit smells like roses too? :roll:
Ur starting to sound just like med man. Clueless.

You are the most politically biased person on this site...:bigjoint:
I have absolutely NO bias when it comes to politics. I'm still waiting for any good idea to come from the left. One that is workable and doesn't use class envy. I'm still waiting. We are now seeing one sided rule for over a year now, hence my seemingly anti Govt. stance.

If Obama has a good idea, I'll let you know. Again, so far, I'm still waiting.

Republican governator for last 5 years, whoo whoo. Seems like it got way worse since Grey Davis left, Not to say it wasn't on the verge, But Arnold promised reform, reform, not so much.
Is there anyone less capable of giving an informed answer? :mrgreen:

I've already addressed this earlier. At least read the posts.


Well-Known Member
A major problem in studies is experimenter bias. Research into studies of bias in the United States shows that Liberal experimenters tend to get results that say the media has a conservative bias, while conservatives experimenters tend to get results that say the media has a liberal bias, and those who do not identify themselves as either liberal or conservative get results indicating little bias, or mixed bias. This same problem with experimenter bias extends to the studies of experimenter bias, of course.[23][24][25] Whether bias is toward the left or the right depends on where you stand.


New Member
I'm not biased at all. I just know from experience and history, that no matter how hard they try, Liberals would most likely fuck up a two-car funeral.


Well-Known Member
I'm not biased at all. I just know from experience and history, that no matter how hard they try, Liberals would most likely fuck up a two-car funeral.
which is bias....your experience has caused your bias...your knowledge of history hasnt given you the ability to see in to the future. Your belief that liberals will be useless in all they do is due to bias.


New Member
which is bias....your experience has caused your bias...your knowledge of history hasnt given you the ability to see in to the future. Your belief that liberals will be useless in all they do is due to bias.
On the contrary, Woomeister ...

A knowledge of history allows one to see where we have been and compare that to where we are today. Looking at policies being promoted today and comparing them to the past, gives one an insight into the future .... politically speaking, of course.

Follow the Progressive agenda over the past 100 years and you'll be very surprised at what you'll find. A little frightened as well I bet.


Well-Known Member
you are BIASED nevertheless. I have politics and history degrees my friend and understand Bias all too well...