Hermaphrodite Salvage Help Please Week 6


Active Member

I have 11 plants. Each very different. A week ago I saw a couple bananas on one. Not very significant. But today I noticed another plant appears to be about 5% hermi. Now that could make things interesting.

Today is the first day of week 6. Most of my plants are leaning on the sativa side and some took 2-4 weeks to even begin flowering. I would have liked to begin chopping in 4 weeks and stagger it out for 2-3 weeks. I'm afraid that wont happen. I would hate for it to go full on seedy.

I cant ever just toss my shit. Way too big of a waste of time and money. But I havent had hermis yet.

I have a few options.

But I need advise please.

Are they already fucked up?


Well-Known Member
Kill those off and get stable genetics . Hermes are a waste to time to grow .
I've been there before and the only thing u can do is spray reverse of manually pluck nanners.


Well-Known Member
im stoned. but beside hating how you are growing them. could be much better . I don't see any herm ? can you zoom in


Active Member
The next batch. I want to be able to hold clones and test for suitable plants. My cloning skills suck though. Hopefully I will be running mothers this next round.



Well-Known Member
that sativa is way overwatered (curling leaves) and overstretched (node distance and amount of stem).. looks like you didnt give it enough light and didn't do enough pruning/training to keep it under control. You could keep sativa short and bushy by LST, supercropping and pinching stems during the stretch.

if i were you i would do a daily inspection of the hermie and remove any nanners you can find... if you get all you can find you shouldn't get too many seeds but it is still possible you will get like a small amount of your buds with a couple seeds in them


Active Member
That sativa has been topped and bent over and tied town and is pushed down every day. This is the way it always looks anymore. It was very dry. Just watered it. It is huge. But lanky. over 100 budsites on the thing. But it has been pushed out of the light. It got too big. but couldn't kill it. I've never had such a lanky plant.


Active Member
By the pictures can you tell if there is going to be a chop window. Or should that honestly start now with the hermis?

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
i believe the word is 4-6 weeks on the seeds ripening. i'm curious about the pollen of a herm. will the herm. pollen produce herm. beans on a different strain/plant??? you're gonna like the sativa weed!!!


Active Member
i believe the word is 4-6 weeks on the seeds ripening. i'm curious about the pollen of a herm. will the herm. pollen produce herm. beans on a different strain/plant??? you're gonna like the sativa weed!!!
I believe a hermi plant will produce seeds with hermi genes. So you should stay away. But I have a bag seed in there that is phenomenal and stable. It was likely the product of a hermi. So for practice, use them. But keep them out of the sensi farm.

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
I believe a hermi plant will produce seeds with hermi genes. So you should stay away. But I have a bag seed in there that is phenomenal and stable. It was likely the product of a hermi. So for practice, use them. But keep them out of the sensi farm.
ya, but i mean the pollen of the herm. i know the hermed plant will beget herms., but i wonder about the pollen germing different plants altogether...