Hermie? I need help


Active Member
Can someone post or link me to some pictures of a plant that is in the earliest stages of going hermie?

Can this happen early into flowering?

Thanks for any help.


Active Member
thanks gopher, can anything be salvaged from a hermie plant? could keep removing the balls and keep the buds?


Well-Known Member
Yes but if you have other non herm'd plants they could get pollinated from your hermie. The plant could also self pollinate which will result in some seeds in your buds


Active Member
Oh well, I guess it would be best to pull it from the garden. Have you successfully pulled it off? removing the balls I mean. How long does it take for the balls to produce pollen?


Well-Known Member
I had a WWxTW herm on me like 5 weeks in, pulled bananas off it for like a week then said fuck it and chopped it. Didnt get any seeds in anything so not sure on now long pollen takes, but at least a couple weeks I'd think. I'm sure you could find that exact answer somewhere on this forum. Dutch Master makes a product called Reverse thats supposed to stop herming but I've seen mixed results from a few journals on here


Well-Known Member
It happens man. Ever seen a 2 headed animal or a lady with a beard? Just genetics

Kill it and give everyone else some space. You can make hash with it if its not good smoke