Hermie week 4 cut bottom branches


Well-Known Member
Howdy all. I have a couple of critical kush in week 4 or 5. I've noticed the one is kicking out bananas due to lack of lighting on the bottom is my guess. Now i decided to remove the lower branches and hope for the best. Has anyone every tried this before?


Well-Known Member
Generally a cannabis female hermies under stress or unstable genes, could be both for all we know. Cutting off branches in flower is stressful so make sure you dont got other nanners showing up on other nodes.

I've never seen hermies from lack of light, I've mostly seen them from revegging plants or deficient/locked out plants in flower. Next time, just pluck the nanners and try to keep her happy

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
lol yea i have been through this before . some almost done branches were starting to herm i just chopped them off and kept a close on on them . once i had to chop quite a bit off i still was able to keep the herm branches to be used luck . its not your lighting i was under 1000s of watts of hps the genetics were degrading on mine the mother plant was being stressed from being cut down to many times to make clones

Buba Blend

Well-Known Member
After I typed my message below I realized you said banannas
I typed a message related to hermie balls then bananas.

(Note: I don't top my plants, might be different if topped and I start from seed, might be different for clones)

Ball Hermies:
Most cases of hermie balls I've dealt with would usually be on the lower branches when they were not a severe problem. If a plant I had hermied more than that I'd get rid of it. If it was just a couple of balls I'd remove them and watch for them, they usually show up between week 1 and week 5 in flower then stop showing up. I've removed the lower branches when they were bad, If I was removing one or more lower branches from a tree I would try to space out a couple of days between taking each branch off rather than chop a few branches on the same day. Also watch out for hermies the full length of the trunk they like to show up on the middle of the trunk.

Hermie bananas are different than the balls and shaped like a banana, I've found bananas to show up at the higher levels coming from the inside of the bud and will often be on the larger buds getting lots of light usually bananas show up after week 4 or 5 into flowering


Well-Known Member
How would topping, fim, sc, lst have any possible effect on a herming plant. It's either screwed up shitty genetics, or bad enviroment. Nothing else. I have the occasional bud growing 3" above my pots in shade. Never seen a nanner on any of them in 4+yrs. This happens on many of my 15+ strains I run. But I also run sound and proven genetics. Hermies get the immediate cut and into the burn pile immediately.

Buba Blend

Well-Known Member
How would topping, fim, sc, lst have any possible effect on a herming plant. It's either screwed up shitty genetics, or bad enviroment. Nothing else. I have the occasional bud growing 3" above my pots in shade. Never seen a nanner on any of them in 4+yrs. This happens on many of my 15+ strains I run. But I also run sound and proven genetics. Hermies get the immediate cut and into the burn pile immediately.
I didn't say it would have an effect, I said I didn't know if it had an effect.
I'm not to smart about this stuff, but isn't topping a form of stress? Isn't stress a way to get hermies?
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Well-Known Member
You do all your training while in veg, not flower. You can almost beat the shit out of a plant in veg and not have any issues in flower. Try that in flower, and your most likely going to have issues.

Bad genetics are #1 cause of hermies
Light leaks or shit enviroment is #2
Grower error is #3