

Well-Known Member
Hi All,

I have these funny pod type things with 2 x red hairs coming out of each of them on my plants, there are always two of them and they are just above the two long stigmas where new branches grow from the stems (Both the main stem & the stems coming off with buds on).

Have spent the last 3 days searching RIU for hermi pics to confirm the worst but nothing I have seen is like these.

I have looked so much that I can tell the hermies as soon as I look at most peoples pics but mine are all different to these.

I am probably in denial, but you never know.

Sorry for the quality of the pics, both cameras were really bad at close ups...



Well-Known Member
I am not sure if the pods are the start of seeds etc, they are all growing directly out of the stems as opposed to growing off small storks like a bunch of grapes.



Well-Known Member
Normal, female through and through.

Next time you take pics of a close up subject use the camera's "Macro" mode so it can focus correctly.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys...

One Hermi, One Female reply?

I think they may be the start of the seeds to be honest, all the other seeds I have seen on pics hermies look like grapes where as these are growing out of the stork/stem rather than hanging off.

If you look at the 3rd pic along, look 1 inch to the right from the top centre of the pic & then 3/4 of an inch down and you will see what I am worried about.



Well-Known Member
Forgot to say that they are only situated at the base of each stem (Where one stem or small branch springs off from another), cannot see any in the flowers only at each branch split.

Always two at each split, one each side of where the new growth is, above the white stigmas which are sprouting out.

Will be devastated if they are hermi :~(


New Member
I know man.. im all worried to cause today I left a light on by my growroon during lights off 12/12 so I know your worry bro....i feel your pain...lol


Well-Known Member
Thanks Captain.

I fear the worst though.

Check out new pics with macro mode - Cheers No Drama for the tips...

A shame as they were looking so heathy.

If confirmed, I may try the Dutch Masters Reverse stuff whisch is supposed to contain male growth.

All 3 of my plants are effected.



Active Member
Thanks guys,

So far we have 2 for female & 1 for male.

Anyone else?


yeah thats a female, see how that "pod" is shaped not like a ball, but kinda like a vase? thats female, that vase lookin thing with hairs coming out is a calyx so no worries.


Well-Known Member
Cheers mate...

Been worrying like crazy about them :-)

Will have to wait and see I suppose.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys...

One Hermi, One Female reply?

I think they may be the start of the seeds to be honest, all the other seeds I have seen on pics hermies look like grapes where as these are growing out of the stork/stem rather than hanging off.

If you look at the 3rd pic along, look 1 inch to the right from the top centre of the pic & then 3/4 of an inch down and you will see what I am worried about.

i didn't say u had a hermie, i said that is a seed pod, better known as a calyx. from what we saw ur plants are not hermie. just keep an eye on them and if u see any flowers cut em off. simple as that.
definately nothing out of the ordinary going on. if u want, pull one of those things off and cut it open with a razor blade. u will see what is the beginning of a seed.


Well-Known Member
Thanks lolipop.

I thought that they maybe swollen catlexs but
most people say that they appear like this only
during the last 2 weeks of flowering?

I am only 5.5 weeks into flowering & I plan
to flower untill week 10/11.

So was a bit surprised to see them this early which
is why I thought that they may be male seeds.


Well-Known Member
i just dont want u to worry. it sounded like u were a little stressed, so i wanted u to know u were doin fine.:peace:


Well-Known Member
Cheers mate...

Worry was not the word, this is my first grow & it has been 3 months with 4-5 weeks left...there were actually tears in my eyes when I spotted them.

Fingers crossed now, the more research I do on calyx, the more I am convinced that they are them...

Tks again...


Well-Known Member
mine are doing the same thing and i was about to pos about it! so you others do think it is normal? i wasnt gonna do anything for a couple days...also another point out-my baby has that same purple in the stems. that isnt your strain or anything is it? i only ask because i believe mine is the ph of water and/or soil....


Well-Known Member
Hi mate,

As I said above, the more I research calyx, the more it appears that they are infact them not males balls (Hoping I am not jumping the gun though :~)

The purple stems are my next problem, I am growing the Church from the Greenhouse Seed Co. At one stage the purple spread onto the veins on the leaves, but this has now subsided.

I can't quite remember if they have always had purple stems or not, but I added Phos Plus at week 5 of flowering & they appeared to get worse, so have just used ph'd water for the last 3 waterings and the purple veins seem to have gone.

I do have some funny colour leaves, which have only gone like this after I used a full dosage of Phos Plus with a full dosage of Bloom, I think I should have used 50% to start with then gradually built up to the recommended dosage.



Well-Known Member
they look like they caught a little nute burn, but a yellow leaf hear and there when you have a bushy plant like that is common. dont worry about purple stems if all the leaves on the branch look overall healthy. it won't affect growth. those plants look really good.