
White Ryno

Active Member
Hey guys this was a lady as far as I knew until yesterday when I was doing some LST. The first picture is from above the branch with the preflower in question. I have three plants that are thriving and all WERE confirmed females. Until I got what sure appears to be a ball sac shown in picture two. If it's not clear enough i will try to blow it up. So...what do you guys think? They are roughly 18-20 days into flower...is this a hermie? I think it could be because I burnt some of her leaves and I also fucked up on that one with the LST (cracked the stalk a little). She's been through some stress but still appears to be hella healthy. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I don't want to wait too long to pull the sumbitch but I dont wanna ruin my efforts either. Thank you!



Active Member
Yeah if you saw preflowers already, that is definitely a male sac, so yes indeed you have Hermie traits. Same things happened to me last grow with my mazar, but instead of chopping her i decided to rip of the sac aand see if any others developed. None did. The plant flowered as well as the 2 other mazars that were also 2nd gen seeds. Just keep a close eye on it to be safe :leaf:

White Ryno

Active Member
thanks OG...that's the route i'm planning on taking. we will see how it works out. know anyone else that has gotten similar results from the "chopping" method?
It can get really out of control fast. Like, you cant keep up with pulling sacs. Or it could be over after you pull those. Try dutch master reverse with the penetrator. without the penetrator it is worthless. Most people say to kill the plant. If you have a bunch of other females in the room then you should think really hard about it.


Active Member
It can get really out of control fast. Like, you cant keep up with pulling sacs. Or it could be over after you pull those.
My experience I only had the one sac that grew, I ripped and never saw another. If you continue to see sacs, you may as well chop it, or else you are going to end up with hermie bud. :leaf:

White Ryno

Active Member
shes a hermie for sure...more ball sacs today...and in diff locations. i just pulled her and hung it up to dry in a different room. will the tiny ass buds on that thing be any good to smoke? i'm sure i could at least save it to make cannabutter...

while we're on that topic, is it ok to make butter before the plant dries? also, what in your opinion is better for making baked goods...butter or oil? i've only done it with butter and i let that shit simmer on low in the crock pot over night to make sure all THC is absorbed. however, all the recipes i see online just say to toss it in a pan with some oil. any particular stances on cannabis cookin?

+rep to OG and guy for the advice...and more to anyone else with info! thanks!


Active Member
Sorry for the news bro, shit sucks. The nugs on herm will be ok to smoke, may be a little seedy though. Heshe also is not going to get as big as its buddies next to it since not all of the plants energy is focused on making bud, but seeds and buds. As for the butter/oil, I have never done that with plants that were just cut, but i have made hash before the buds were dried and it was great. :leaf:


Active Member
you can plant those free seeds.
im pretty positive they are femenized if the plant came from a femal or was overly stressed.

White Ryno

Active Member
you can plant those free seeds.
im pretty positive they are femenized if the plant came from a femal or was overly stressed.
yeah but i didn't want to pollenate the other plants so i had to pull the cross dressin sumbitch as soon as I was sure...hopefully i didn't fuck the other two ladies up. they are both lookin nice and no signs of seeds yet...i just noticed the first sac yesterday, ya think i'm screwed?

White Ryno

Active Member
i've only ever used butter for cannabis...but in the kitchen? hmmmm that really depends to be honest. not really going for the every day meal high though lol...my crop should be completely cured and ready to go around 420 so i'd like to have some baked goods for the event as well. soooo....i guess a more appropriate question would be, which is better for making brownies/cookies? butter or oil? thanks again!