Hermo Maybe? yes? No?


Well-Known Member
Okay ladies and gentlemen. I need a bit of help... im not sure how to identify my plants... at first i thought they might be all male... all 7 because they all had BALLS! or at least i thought thats what they were. Now however they have started to sprout little white hairs like what a fem would. If someone could post a picture of what a herm would look like at its earlies stage... that would be great. I would post a picture of my plants but i do not have a camera that is powerful enough to take a close up picture. My secound question is, if the bags seeds that i have are indeed seeds from a herm, will those seeds be 100% herm as well?

Cheers everyone for you help.


Well-Known Member
Well without pics of your plant its kinda hard to tell but if you got white hairs your gravy I had the same prob the other day I almost cut down my God Bud but it just needed a little time to show the hairs If you have a hermie and you get seeds they will be 100 percent feminized or hermie haha but I think your plant is a female