heroin*******piss test****help


Active Member
Dude, give the guy a break , if he were remotely intelligent he wouldn't be doing heroin in the first place. IF WE WERE ALL DOCTORS AND LAWYERS, WHO WOULD SERVE ME MY FRIES??


people shouldn't call weed dope, it's a misdefinition. weed doesn't even directly touch DOPamine (where they came up with the word dope), it touches the cannabinoid receptor and then the cannabinoid receptor releases dopamine.

heroin has effects on the dopamine receptor with no moderation. cannabis, has a moderation receptor (the cannabinoid receptor) one it gets tired the dopamine isn't touched.

+ rep to you bro.... this is the first time i have ever seen an explanation of why you can only get so high... i learned something new today:clap::-P

Dude, give the guy a break , if he were remotely intelligent he wouldn't be doing heroin in the first place. IF WE WERE ALL DOCTORS AND LAWYERS, WHO WOULD SERVE ME MY FRIES??

you my friend are an idiot... a pompous idiot at that:finger:.... so the man tried some smack, big deal.... and you dont think your doctors and lawyers are on hard drugs like coke and smack???? alot of doctors are hooked on harder opiates such as fentanyl because they have access to them..... and because of their job/schooling/social status, most people hold them to a perceived higher moral status as well.... "a man of his learning would never do heroin" :roll:


Well-Known Member
Get some clean piss in a zip lock, tape it above your dick, if the guy is standing behind ya, rip the corner of the bag off and fill the sample up.\

Your body will keep the bag warm, just make sure you have clean piss.


Awesome people? I don't know what's up with people ressurrecting shit but I end up responding to shit without reading it's months old.

Example A...