Hey all, so here it goes, need some basic advice


Hey !

First of all Happy New Year for tomorrow to everyone :-P I hope you'll all enjoy yourselves.

Sometime in the beginning of this new year I'll finally have some resources ( money, spare time , and a location ) to start growing. I will be doing enough research and foruming and bugging people for the next few weeks on the matter, and this is kind of where I'll be starting. I read various faq's and basic guides and now I guess I can start asking some obvious questions around here.

The details :
- I want to grow a few plants, not a whole room or anything crazy but I do want to eventually be able to get nice yields
- Once I finally get all the money I'll need I'm willing to spend decent money on good equipment and obviously a good strain of seeds, something fit for indoor and beginners as well ( a few hundred euros as a starting point, depending on whatever I find out around here and other sources I might need less or I might want to put in more in my initial equipment ) Just mentioned this to give an accurate idea that I don't want either of the extremes - a room full of plants or 2 very small sad plants in a pc turned grow box

- I was thinking that I might be going to grow them IN a room of the house I live in now, but without turning the whole thing into a grow room - but this is where I don't know -> is it better to get or make some kind of enclosure ( like the wardrobe-ish kind ) and make that into a decent sized 'grow box' rather than just grow them in some part of a larger room ? There might be concerns both ways regarding temperature, humidity, etc... which I don't know about and hope to find out now.

So I gave you the facts and I'll highly appreciate anyone who takes the time to give me some more experienced advice and show me some / point me towards some really good quality lights / fertilizers / soil / and everything else a good setup requires.

Cheers all !!


hey im really sorry but can someone tell me how to start a thread???? im really getting frustrated. thanks for your help


Well-Known Member
having more open space can only benifit you.. keeping plants enclosed does raise temp and humidity quite a bit but nothing good ventilation wont fix.. theres alot of little extras you will have to do to accommodate your own grow situation, especially lighting in small areas.. overall tho the bigger the space the better i find, less adjusting and messing around.. id say u decide how big u want ur overall plant to be, remember tho plants can double to triple their size in flower phase


hey im really sorry but can someone tell me how to start a thread???? im really getting frustrated. thanks for your help
Dude :) just go to a subforum - like this one - newbie central. On the top left corner of the part of the site that is the actual forum with topics and everything, there's a blue button (left part, under the Warning: Smoking Kills ad) called "New Thread". Click it :D

And now back to the topic at hand lol :)


Well-Known Member
The main problem with growing in the room you live in is controlling the light periods. I assume you'll have lights on in daytime,off at night. What happens if you get up to take a leak and have to turn the lights on? You can screw your plants up doing that. Better make a cabinet.


The main problem with growing in the room you live in is controlling the light periods. I assume you'll have lights on in daytime,off at night. What happens if you get up to take a leak and have to turn the lights on? You can screw your plants up doing that. Better make a cabinet.
Ya that's a great point. I'd like to grow them in one of the rooms I live / work / etc in but I don't have a steady schedule. I might be sleeping early for a while and completely off for another while. I do have another part of the house though where I can seall all / most light out - a room where I could just cover the windows with something or the attic. Problem is I'll be less often in contact with the plants ( in case there's always maintenance to be done all the time ) but my main concern is to keep it safe ( from possible fires/electric issues and such ). But I guess you people can point out how to backup the high power lights and anything else that will be working around the clock in case of something unexpected.


Well-Known Member
Fire should not be a problem unless you do something dumb like putting a 1000w HID on a $3 extension cord. Electrical issues? You mean like power outages? Nothing you can do about that except get a generator. I can't help you with where to get equipment in Europe. I'm sure Google can. Good luck.


Active Member
If you are going to keep sepatate veg and flower areas you can put your veg area in a more active part of the house. For example: I currently have my veg in the hallway laundry area and I have a VERY irregular schedule. If the lights stay on then I'm not going to disturb them... I have to say I like the ease of having a few plants in a large room (flowering) but I'm considering going with cabinets just to be able to effectively start using higher co2 levels. The chouces are huge. I recommend starting small and simple then expand.