hey my third grow but first in coco having big problems please help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
hey all how are you doing this is my third grow havnt grown since 08 but this just kind of fell in my lap. iv never grown in coco before. i wasnt prepared for this grow some one was throwing the little girl away and i told em id give her a good home :) but since i was not prepared and have no idea what strian or what nutes have been used all i had at the time was bloom juice 4 3 6 i started with that... i know stupid ... only used it for first couple feedings went and got prop nutes flushed the plant and now im giving pure blend pro grow by botnicare 3 2 4 . leafs are yellowin g on bottom and new growth tips are all yellow please help im loosing my mind. i bought calmag and i mix it in every feeding. i was told to nute every feed i feed bout twice a day and i use about half a teaspoon per 2l heres some pics please help!! my ph going in is never lower then 5.5 and never higher then 5.8 run off ph spikes up to mid 6 tried flushing it down with no success :wall:IMG_20111008_132744.jpgIMG_20111008_132702.jpgIMG_20111008_132718.jpgIMG_20111008_132744.jpg


Guide for Diagnosing Plant Problems
I came across this neat little list that can probably help a lot of people out. If you like it check my post in the General area...I need some help!

Quick Deficiency Guide

Nitrogen: Entire plant is light green in color; lower leaves are yellow; growth is stunted....

Phosphorous: Entire plant is bluish-green, often developing a red or purpleish cast; lower leaves may be yellow, drying to a greenish-brown to black color; growth may be stunted...

Potassium: Leaves have a papery appearance; dead areas along the edges of leaves; growth is stunted...

Magnesium: Lower leaves turn yellow along the tips and margin and between the veins; the lower leaves wilt...

Calcium: Young stems and new leaves die...

Zinc: Leaf tissue between the veins is lighter in color; yellowed; papery in appearance...

Iron: Leaf tissue appears yellow, while the veins remain green...

Copper: Leaf edges appear dark green or blue; leaf edges curl upward; young leaves permanently wilt...

Sulfur: Young leaves turn pale green, while the older leaves remain green; plant is stunted and spindly...

Mananese: Growth is stunted; lower leaves have a checkered pattern of yellow and green...

Molybdenum: Leaves are stunted, pale green, and malformed...

Boron: Young leaves are scorched at tips and margins...


Well-Known Member
What do you mean air them out properly sorry pretty new to hydro style ... appreciate your help and no I don't have a ppm meter thanks again for your help!


Active Member
i dont grow in coco...coco sucks...i know you inherited it...im just lettin ya know in the future grow real hydro/aero for better results

it looks and sounds to me like there was a pH lockout and all the excess nutes are still hanging around...your plants not taking up any food cuz of pH issues and is NPK deficient...i would flush flush flush them until runnoff is under control...then prepare your a light to medium strength nute solution and make sure pH is dead on before you give it to the plant...keep watching pH until things turn around and you see nice new green growth


Well-Known Member
Thanks man I've been stressing. I appreciate you taking the time to respond! When I flush with water only can I mix Cal mag or juss water? And do I Ph water to what I want 5.8 or lower like 4.0 to have the Ph of the coco lower?


Well-Known Member
Don't listen to anyone above this post please!

Coco does not suck, the noob thaat said that sucks at growing.

You are in desperate need of cal mag. You NEED A ph meter in coco. And a tds (ppm) meter is very helpful, I would almost say a necessity for a new coco grower.

Ill post again with more info but wanted you to read this befofre taking anymore info from idiots.


Well-Known Member
Coco is not shitty, I personally don't use it but many do and with great success. Please find a mentor here that's willing to take you on and see if you can save that girl. if not I still recommend finding a mentor to teach you the ways of the coco and learn a new grow medium skill with another plant. It sounds like Lastwood is willing to assist you, maybe you should make pvt contact and see where it goes.


Well-Known Member
The only thing he was right about is the ph. keep your ph between 5.8 - 6.2

You need to be using cal mag with every feeding. More N also, but

Coco is not soil! Remember, always water with runoff!


Well-Known Member
I also use botanicare lineup. the pure blend pro line too.

Coco specific nutes have extra calcium in them to account for the coco. Since we don't use coco specific nutes, like canna coco a+b, we have to use cal mag with every feeding.

Sry for the multiple posts, there's just no good coco info on riu and don't want you mislead.

I don't know your feeding schedule, but I use 1 and 2 gallon pots, or 3 gal pots for big bushes and double plants, and water daily. I feed water feed water. Always ph'd.



Well-Known Member
thanks guys specially thelastwood your really trying to help and i appreciate that. i know theres barley any info on coco ive been searching for days i dont like to post when its already been answered. i dont mind the multiple posts at all any info helps. when you said earlier i need a ph meter in the coco did you mean a regular ph meter like the ones you use for soil? and as far as nutes if you dont mind sharing you schedule. i mix half a table spoon nute to 2l. i dont know if thats too much. And you feed with nutes every time? or one time water one time nutes. whats you calmag water ratio i learned that you cant trust any of the labels and schedule on any of these products


Well-Known Member
A good but cheap digitial hannah ph meter is abou 40$. The soil ones are p.o.s useless. U can get a tds meter for the same price, or you can get one meter that does ph and tds for more $. Great investments

Coco is easy. If you feed the right ppm at the right ph you will probably never have a problem, nute related at least.

The amt of nutes you use depends on the starting ppm of your water. Mine comes out of the tap at 500 ppm so I have to dilute it 1:1 with distilled (or r.o) to bring it to 250 ppm.

I start seedlings at 350 ppm and build up slowly as they need it, if leaf tips are fringed then back off a tiny bit, if it doesn't burn worse, your good.

I don't wanna say you NEED the meters, but it will make life so much easier, and I would get them both if I were you.

Think about it this way. A 6.0 ph solution is 10x more acidic than a 7.0 ph solution, and 100 times more acidic than an 8.0 solution. Before I had a ph meter I didn't know I was feeding at almost 9 ph and wondering wtf why do I have problems.

I use about 2.5 ml of cal mag to gallon of water(aprox 3.78l). And only one the feed days.

I feed, water, feed, water.

I would start feeding your plant abou 450 ppm. And if your ph is at 8 and you start feeding at 6 you will have more problems. You have to go down gradually. Over a week or longer

Sorry, she looks bad, I hope you can save her.


Well-Known Member
whooooah she is not ready for bloom juice dude! flush flush flush!! i suggest getting her onto some niiice organic worm castings and sheep manure tea. super easy, super safe, super tasty.


Well-Known Member
Don't listen to that idiot either.

People, stop coming in here and telling people what there using sucks and "just go organic its so easy". Bullshit. IF YOU CAN'T HELP HIM MAKE IT WORK WITH WHAT HE IS USING THEN STFU.

Your advice to someone shouldn't involve them changing there whole style of growing and spending 500$ on new chems and equipt.

No fatblunt, I said I feed water feed water.


Active Member
coco still sucks n im not a noob...i dont use it but my dumb ass grow buddy does...we've done same strain same nutes and hydro out performs it everytime....it comes down to node lengths and bud sites and coco is too fucking dense to compare to a medium like hydroton or sure2gro...the more room and air your roots have the more they will branch out and the more the roots branch out the tighter your node lengths are and you end up with more bud sites

a simple bubble system or dwc or whatever the f*&k u wanna call it with plain ol' GH lucas will out perform the coco user with all their pH and cal problems every single time, hands down
