Hey New Growers, Let's try this again?

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Well-Known Member
And fyi its the old reliable ones that kill the most people lol.
yeppers, you could say that but IMO it's folks that don't do regular maintenance that have most of those problems, I clean & service mine every year, I'll be fine !!!


Well-Known Member
haha!! toys are awesome!
USB microscope camera and THC test kit on their way, can't wait to play with em. I currently have 5 buds sittin out on my coffee table been there for 10 days will be testing them against buds in the jars to determine how they degrade. There are still clear trics on em I look thru my scope every night and so far no changes I can "see"


Well-Known Member
My biggest experiment at the moment is the adding sulfur thing. because I just added the UVB bulbs it is a double edged sword in flower since I have changed 2 things at once but I am also giving my veg plants additional sulfur and there is no UVB there yet, though I will be adding it there for the next round, The re-vegged PE I am doing in flower has started making amber trics in week 4 and is growing trics on the fans My Colorado Thunderfuck is now in week 8 and is pretty much all amber, gonna let it go one more week


Well-Known Member
I'm an old man that has led a full and eventful life :hump:
Me too! Thankfully never went to jail though! Couple of close calls I must say lol. Once had a fully loaded semi tip over on a back rd and had to bring in loads of gravel to get it out lol. Landed a plane on Lake Ontario just at break up :0! That was a long time ago though, perhaps I should write a book lol.


Well-Known Member
Nice! I just ordered a microscope!! Curious though, why did you decide to add sulfur?


Well-Known Member
Me too! Thankfully never went to jail though! Couple of close calls I must say lol. Once had a fully loaded semi tip over on a back rd and had to bring in loads of gravel to get it out lol. Landed a plane on Lake Ontario just at break up :0! That was a long time ago though, perhaps I should write a book lol.
once had a big rig break down in kentucky loaded with 70 lb bales of MJ, had to drive a bobtail from St Louis to rescue it LOL perhaps you should write a book


Well-Known Member
This is a quote from my site this morning, from an old member to a new member,,,,,,,

We're not saying that FF is bad per se, I've seen plenty of good buds grown with them, but there are better fertilizers for far less money. I bet you have some leaf drop through the flower cycle. That's really not supposed to happen. Many folks say that you need your plant to eat itself at the end to have it taste good. Maybe if you've been overfertilizing (a common problem as many folks think that plants are like people and feeding them more will make them fat) but my plants after a 2 weeks of cure after drying always get comments about the quality of the taste and smoothness of the smoke. And even with environmental issues my quality is still top notch. I've had plenty of top shelf flowers and it is very rare that something impresses me. When it does it has almost always been grown by another Riddler

Most of us do things quite differently from the canna growing norm. I remember when a good friend was visiting from CO and wanted to know what I was using for odor control and I told him "happy plants don't stink" the look on his face was priceless. He couldn't believe that I didn't have some kind of amazing carbon filter
Another time a friend came to water plants when I was away for a few days. When I was talking to him afterwards he said "I thought they were supposed to smell"

I like how it copies our smilies here, we have the best smilies !!!


Well-Known Member
Best advice I can share with you, is to simply apply logic to a notion.

I gave examples in that wow riddle has a question thread, if flushing removes nutes from buds why is it that it causes the plant to eat the leaves providing nutes to the buds? How then does flushing remove nutes from the buds?

that is pure logic in action

I add molasses or pineapple juice to make dem buds sweeter,,,,,, Plants don't eat sugar so please explain the logic in what your doing?

Stressed plants make more resin, stressed plants stink, this logically means that they are using the resin to make the stink so what exactly is the point of making more if they are just gonna use it?

Happy plants don't stink and they are more potent, logic says they are not usin the resin to stink and explains why they are more potent

You will always be a better grower and have healthier plants if you simply apply logic to everything you do
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