Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?


Everything went digital. The TV shows were the best. And it was the best decade EVER for crime and mayhem. I loved it. Now everything is SO clean.

Edit: The 80's underground club scene was UNREAL. Never will it be matched because the cops and politicians shut it all down

the 80s was ok for the rap and club scene ill give you that .. the rave scene the house music scene etc the "E" also contained MDMA back then lol
the bands of that time were not so great, it was the time of very gay pop music .. "style over substance" was the name of the game

many of the other things popular during the 80s were terrible ,and almost cringe worthy, the champagne charlie coke generation
men with perms, not afro's, Duran Duran .. shoulder pads, (Dallas and Dynasty)
Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan LOL .. the list is endless but ill stop there

the 90s was an improvement i think .. today we are returning to the 80s with the new i-fag generation .. short on substance high on style

peace :)
Coho, good thread. This thread is moving so fast it's hard to keep up with. In 1966 gas was 17 cents a gallon where I was. Unbelievable! I just celebrated my 38th wedding anniversary last week and retired 3 years ago from a job that I had for 25 years. When I would visit my grandparents in the 50's they had no indoor plumbing and saturday night was bath day. My grandmother would heat water and we all took our weekly bath in the middle of the kitchen floor. I also remember the wasp nest in the outhouse thinking they were going to bite me in the ass. I remember the Adali Stevenson/Dwight Eisenhower debates in 1952, I was only 2 but the debate scared me for some reason and therefore I remember it.

Thank you all, it's good to talk with people my own age that have lived through it.
Damn..up all night with pain/insomnia. Well off to work still. Remember when doctors made house calls?
Yeath me too! born 1950....been married since 1975..and still in love. Life's faster than we think...goes by so fast watching the grandkid's teenager's this year.. three son's all doing good, one scientist one machinist a one manager of fast lube..all making it even if barley...wife is having verry hard time...but due to brain disease dosen't realize it and still agknowledge's me and grandkid's and children..just in a different world now...not what retirement was ment to be. We will never get to finish plan's made or our bucket list or other joy's of old age..would be sour if it wasn't for a gentle squeeze when we hold hand's and a rare smile!! wishing you all a smoother and less stressfull life in the future!!....jack
Yeath me too! born 1950....been married since 1975..and still in love. Life's faster than we think...goes by so fast watching the grandkid's teenager's this year.. three son's all doing good, one scientist one machinist a one manager of fast lube..all making it even if barley...wife is having verry hard time...but due to brain disease dosen't realize it and still agknowledge's me and grandkid's and children..just in a different world now...not what retirement was ment to be. We will never get to finish plan's made or our bucket list or other joy's of old age..would be sour if it wasn't for a gentle squeeze when we hold hand's and a rare smile!! wishing you all a smoother and less stressfull life in the future!!....jack

That is the one thing that scares me most of all. My health, we are all ticking time bombs. Take care of your wife. If you are like me she is your best friend I and don't have many anymore. Don't know what I would do if I lost her as we are together 24/7.
Pre>>>yeath were attached at the hip but I still have that special feeling for her as if nothing has changed...also have verry few friend's as my wife ALLWAY'S CAME FIRST!and she allway's will! I do have friend's here and it's my only outlet for any conversation now...and really make's my day's better! wish you the best health and don't worry as we have no controll over the road we travel so enjoy every secound as you have no gurantee's...enjoy what you have and never morn your losses as it will only hinder your outlook! jack
When I first started smoking, Jamaican came from Jamaica, Santa Maria Gold came from Santa Maria.... Dipped Thai sticks came from Thailand etc.
Momma>>>no one know's how to unwind a thai stick now!! I almost forgot about pulling little sticky bud's off of the stick's 4" with awesome smoke...imagine doing that wrapping up each little popcorn bud's!!! jack
Momma>>>no one know's how to unwind a thai stick now!! I almost forgot about pulling little sticky bud's off of the stick's 4" with awesome smoke...imagine doing that wrapping up each little popcorn bud's!!! jack

I have dreams about those sticks... the last one's I was getting were coming through an air-force base...how I miss them!! Last seen about 1982 but never forgotten.

or.. a Sugar Moma..pug. <3

Flattered I am sure Raw...but my kids are older than you!!

However, I do play well with others and always share with friends....:bigjoint:
I remember when Coca-Cola tasted good, and cost 5 cents, candy bars too! My first car was a 72 Gran Torino with a 351 Cleveland. It was white and had the hood scoop. That car was stolen 3 times while I owned it. I also had a 55 Chevy Pickup with the wrap around back window, with a 283 under the hood. I've had a lot of cars, but those were two of my favorites. I also had a 72 Ford P/U that I would like to have back. I had Cragars on it and lots of chrome under the hood. 351 Windsor.
Your Torino brings back memories of Starsky and Hutch and their snitch Huggy Bear......