

Active Member
Im not new to the site, been lurking on here for a while. On my very first grow I planted a seed and stuck it in the window. After it actually started growing, I figured out I didn't really know what to do if I wanted to do things right. So basically I asked a bunch of new guy dummy questions and got thru it. I've just been lurking and learning ever since.

Anyway, Im in Michigan now and just got myself legalized. So I am new to the whole medical scene. Also I think I may start playing around with hydro (always been a soil guy) so that will be new to me too.

Just wanted to reintroduce myself. I pretty much know all you guys already though you don't know me. Also, I am a very quiet guy. That may help explain some things along the way.
Hi from va Im pretty new to this site too but like you have been lurking around on and off on this site. That is until i started growing. Im doing a hydro experiment and also learning alot of new stuff here and there from people on this site. everyone i have talked to are really nice and willing to put their 2 cents into the equation.

btw welcome to riu i hope you find it as useful as myself
Thanks man. Who knows, maybe you'll be teaching me about some hydro soon
maybe ;D im pretty bad so far. but my little girls are starting to get their hairs so eh we will see in due time what will happen

It really sux to wait but the best things in life are always worth waiting for :D