Hi every1 What is the deal with Co2 and ppm (HELP)


Well-Known Member
Hi every1.

Im new to growing and have a mix of 24 clones Armogeddon, PPP and white russian.

I have just purchased a 17.5 Kg bottle of pure Co2 and want to know how to use it correctly.

So if any1 could answer any of the following questions it would be so much appriciated.

1) do i need to get a ppm tester kit?

2) should i get an EC < not sure what an EC does so if you can explain this too?

3)Not sure what ppm is ether?

4) the room i'm growing in is approx 2.5m(L)x 2.5m(W) x 2.5m(H). Im using a growing space on a raised floor of half the room, Quick calculation of this would be 2.5m(L) x 1.25m(W) x 2.5m(H). So i need to know how much Co2 to release in to the room.

5) when should i start using the Co2. (i.e) straight away as the small girls grow or wait until it's time to flower, Or both?

Thanks for looking and again any help would be much appriciated.

P.s check out my other link. ( my first grow and grow room set up ) not sure how to post that thread on this thread but if you go into my profile its in there.

Thanks Dan "where did it all grow right" Bullbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Oh thanks ((((jr22HOCKEY)))). How do you know that i haven't done any research. i have been researching for 6 months and this is the last thing i need to know properly. I have some understanding of it, but would like some advice ((( that's all ))) so if you haven't anything constructive for me then please don't write on my thread as it is for help not sarcastic comments. ( sarcasem is the lowest form of wit )!!!!!!


New Member
  1. Determine the size of the room in cubic feet (CF). This is done by multiplying the length by the width by the height of your room. If your room measures 10? long by 10? wide by 8? high, then your total CF is 10 x 10 x 8 = 800 CF.
  2. Determine what your desired level of C02 is and subtract the existing amount of C02 that?s already present in your room. Most growers will prefer about 1500ppm (parts per million) of C02. Plants will respond to up to 2000ppm, but this amount is generally not used since plants will utilize such high levels only if every other aspect is in perfect balance (which is extremely difficult to achieve). In general, there is about 500ppm of CO2 already present in the atmosphere if you live in a big city, around 300 if you?re in a less populated area. Assuming that there is 300ppm present where you live, you would have to add an additional 1200ppm in order to reach your target level of 1500ppm.
  3. Determine how many CF of CO2 you need to inject. Multiply the volume of your room by the amount of C02 necessary to raise the C02 ppm to the target level: 800 CF x .0012 = 0.96. We will round 0.96 up to 1. Therefore, in order to raise the ppm level in your room to 1500ppm, you will need to inject 1 CF.
  4. Determine the flow meter setting. Assuming that after 3 hours C02 levels will return to normal due to plant use as well as leakage, we will divide the 1 CF of C02 into three 1 hour increments. 1 CF divided by 3 = 1/3 CF or 0.333. Therefore, every hour an 800 CF room needs 1/3 CF of C02 in order to bring it back up to 1500ppm, and so your flow meter should be set to 0.333.