Hi Guys, Newbie needs advice on Lowryders.


Hello people, first of, HI! I am Leeroy , From London !

I have checked the faq, but am still none the wiser..

I have just purchased some Diesel/lowryder seeds, They arrived this mornin!!:twisted:

I have no Experience of growing at all and i am looking to subsidise mine and my brothers smoking habits, I am sick of getting ripped off for sh*te gear, both in terms of quality and quantity (£20 for 2.5 grams of sh*t!! wtf)

Anyway, I just have a fw real basic questions and would reeally appreciate some advice

I want to germinate these seeds, I understand there are a couple of methods for this:
Cracking the seed at the root end slightly and chucking the seed traight into a cup of soil, soaking the seed overnight in a cup of water or on a wet towel.

Id rather just crack the seeds and put them straight into the soil, My question is does the soil need to be any particular kind for germination, Would a plastic cup full of normal back garden soil suffice?

Once the seeds have started to sprout above the soil, do i then transfer to a bigger plant pot, that contains soil with nutrients

These seeds are aoutflowering , does this man that i can grow them outside too or on a windowsill maybe? just watering as necessary?

Lastly, I would like to grow some of the seeds in my bedroom , Im not looking for a massive yield, I dont have lots of space to work in and cant go using too much electric either as i don pay the bill!

I guess what im asking is , what would be the easiest way for a total novice like me, to grow what is apparentley the easiest and quickest strain for a total newb!

Is germination (cracking and planting in a cup or rockwool cubes THE 1st step

apologies for rambling but i always seem to end up more confused than when i started lol, I just wanna set the wheels in motion!!

Thanks again peeps!!:blsmoke::blsmoke:


Active Member
Dont crack your seeds open and throw them in soil your chances of them surviving are not as high if you would just germinate them in a wet paper-towel.

Instead of starting your seeds in a small cup just start them in normal bag soil in a gallon pot or your biggest pot, and when the plants is about a month old then you can start adding nutrients to the water thats your watering your plant with.

Autoflowering means that you can basically pass the vegatation stage of the plant and go straight to the flowering stage...The flowering stage is the stage where the marijuana starts to bud, so basically you can plant them, put them on a 12/12 light cycle and they should bud fast, saving you time.

You should grow them all in your bedroom, by CFL bulbs! There the bulbs that save energy and there in a spiral shape. Your electric bill shouldnt go much higher. Plus when your lights or on try not to be on your computer and use alot of stuff that uses energy and hopefully your electric bill will stay exactly the same! :)