Hi! I need some help diagnosing these problems, any help or answers would be very appreciated, thank you!


Okay so the plants are around 35 days old and have slowed growth, I have started giving them fox farm grow big and big bloom growing in coco loco, with water ph of 6.2. I need some help figuring out why these stems are turning purple and one of my plants have odd leaves wondering if it is normal? and the brown spots on the tips of my bottom leaves, aswell as a almost white color of the tips of some of the newer top leaves. Below are imagines to show what I am talking about, again any help will be greatly appreciated.image.jpgimage.jpg


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Coco Loco is denk. Slowed growth the medium es exausted. If you have any more Loco add it to the top.

Add cal/mag and Drop PH to 6.0 perhaps. Reduce ur nutrient strength abit. Water to runoff

Good lucks man
Coco Loco is denk. Slowed growth the medium es exausted. If you have any more Loco add it to the top.

Add cal/mag and Drop PH to 6.0 perhaps. Reduce ur nutrient strength abit. Water to runoff

Good lucks man
Thank you, gonna buy some cal-mag this week, I was already thinking of buying it and will reduce the ph, and add a little more loco to the top.
Also, is it just me or does the white look like the start of powdery mildew?
Yes, am running 3 30w leds and I am going to buy a spider farmer sf1000 when I buy cal-mag, as the lights I have right now are not very good. Also, How to avoid this? it is on a lot of leaves, I have been misting the leaves with water, may this be the cause? Or humidity level to high, has been at 50-70% for all 35 days 55% at night and 60-70% in day, temps have been from 70-85
With some nice LST that thing can be in better shape in no time. 35 days is pretty long for that little bit of growth.
Yes, am running 3 30w leds and I am going to buy a spider farmer sf1000 when I buy cal-mag, as the lights I have right now are not very good. Also, How to avoid this? it is on a lot of leaves, I have been misting the leaves with water, may this be the cause? Or humidity level to high, has been at 50-70% for all 35 days 55% at night and 60-70% in day, temps have been from 70-85
Bend her over and tie her down (LST)
Okay so the plants are around 35 days old and have slowed growth, I have started giving them fox farm grow big and big bloom growing in coco loco, with water ph of 6.2. I need some help figuring out why these stems are turning purple and one of my plants have odd leaves wondering if it is normal? and the brown spots on the tips of my bottom leaves, aswell as a almost white color of the tips of some of the newer top leaves. Below are imagines to show what I am talking about, again any help will be greatly appreciated.View attachment 4757617View attachment 4757619
They really don't look that unhealthy. Looks like a little bit of nutrient burn on some of the tips. I've had plants from the same batch of seeds side by side, in the same medium, using the same nutes, where some of them get some purple in the stems like yours, and others don't get the purple stems. Can be something in the genetics, or like was said above, maybe your lights cause it to express itself that way. Be cautious to not overfeed. Trying to solve something that's not much of a problem by applying too much nutes can have negetative effects.

Good luck!
Okay thank you for confirming, I will look into this, any recommendations on how to fix/ what to use?
There are chemicals like copper soap that are fungicides or you can use something natural like neem oil that will retard the growth of fungus. If you use either one of those you must have the lights off and do not turn the lights on until the leaves are totally dry...otherwise you will burn the leaves.

***only use foliar applications like these during veg....they will taint your flowers if done during the flower period***
Okay thank you for confirming, I will look into this, any recommendations on how to fix/ what to use?
It could be dust or build up starting from you misting your leaves. Dont go treating for PM is you urself have not confirmed its powdery mildew... in which case i would start by wiping all leaf surfaces and stem and branch surfaces with a damp rag, when this is finished get out the peroxide and your sprayer and saturate that plant from top to bottom every surface and coat her nicely. Now allow a bit of time to pass and let the peroxide do its job before finally washing the entire plant off with warm water and dawn dish liquid... the pots look small, do they fit in a 1 gallon bag? Id suggest sealing the soil while washing the plant unless you wanna re pot your plant in the sink that is lol... sorry also dont forget to dillute the peroxide down 1:10 in water before applying to the plant. Otherwise you will burn the ever living fuck out of your plant, it will super oxidize everything the peroxide touches on the plant unless dilluted. I feel like neem oil is a shitty fix for PM because it doesnt actually kill it or get rid of it, it doesnt allow it to reproduce and eventually it dies off, but its still there until it isnt and the peroxide treatment literally burns the fungus and all its growth off the plant, kills it in its tracks... hope this helps good luck