HID proximity


Well-Known Member
I meant to say, super cropping is fim'ing bending branches so to speak to create wider plants and prevent really tall plants that would of been a preventative measure but I'm lazy and dum now I need a remedial measure in your opinion wots the best course of action, to cut these buds away ? Or maybe the best course of action is no action (I'm good at that)


Well-Known Member
You Irish SOB I need remedy not prevention xx
I've seen guys super crop at three weeks. thats where your at right? You can't fix burnt plants, you can fix them next time by not letting it happen but theres no fixing fucked. If they're still bleaching and burning id tie them back or drive bamboo rods down and super crop them and tie up to the bamboo. It will get them valuable inches away, even a foot or more with those gangly plants.


Well-Known Member
I meant to say, super cropping is fim'ing bending branches so to speak to create wider plants and prevent really tall plants that would of been a preventative measure but I'm lazy and dum now I need a remedial measure in your opinion wots the best course of action, to cut these buds away ? Or maybe the best course of action is no action (I'm good at that)
i snip off the burnt spots and just let them go. nothing more.


Well-Known Member
just bent em seems a bit mad so far in to flowering but il see how they respond the canopy now seems a lot more level of all goes well this will be a feature in future



Well-Known Member
just bent em seems a bit mad so far in to flowering but il see how they respond the canopy now seems a lot more level of all goes well this will be a feature in future
do you think it was a bit late in flowering to be stressing your girls out like that bending them over now they have to focus on repairing themselves instead of bud producing you shouldve just raised your light man....


Well-Known Member
You might be rite this was one of the negative points I thought of while deliberating the best course of action to take, I didn't want my light too far from the lower buds thoe, I never expected this cheese plant to stretch so badly and continue to stretch been a bit lazy this grow not taking it serious enough as its only 2 plants, but on the flip side if they respond in a decent manner I know how to act in future, i also considered the stress the plant was under while being constantly burnt at the top and hoped the stress Iv put it thru with the bending isn't as stressful as the continuous burning, I really didn't my want to sacrifice quality of light goin to the middle and lower portion of the plant so moving the light again wasn't wot I wanted to do, il post pics here if and we can decide if it was worth it, and yes I know prevention is better then remedy

polo the don

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
We are all men and it's banter dw, stop kissin ass, was hopin to pick his brains about a few things and hopefully learn something, like this "boiling" aka flushing please tell me, and whether rm3 thinks it's worth using a purely red spectrum HPS in flowering I used one a while back and I remember how the false seed pods completely swallowed the pistils and great density I acheived I almost bought a red bulb today but never got round to it any input is appreciated

Spatula Boy

Sometimes a burnt top will grow all sideways and mutated, it can be pretty fun to watch it grow actually...the few times it happened to me I just let them grow all funny, cut out the dead parts and smoked the rest... just my 2 cents


Well-Known Member
We are all men and it's banter dw, stop kissin ass, was hopin to pick his brains about a few things and hopefully learn something, like this "boiling" aka flushing please tell me, and whether rm3 thinks it's worth using a purely red spectrum HPS in flowering I used one a while back and I remember how the false seed pods completely swallowed the pistils and great density I acheived I almost bought a red bulb today but never got round to it any input is appreciated
I flower with T5's they allow me to tweak the spectrum, can't do that with HID, and I would not use an all red bulb or enhanced red, but folks do and it's not wrong, it's just not how I grow. The boil thing is discussed in the are they done thread and I discuss lights in the Lights??? thread in the advanced section, feel free to ask questions in either thread :)

you'll love what they do next by the way :) the stress is minor they recover very quickly


Well-Known Member
To offer my opinion on a few topics I've seen in the thread:

A) Light spectrum does change when you dim it. I have been doing indoor for over 15 years, the last few of those 15 years have been at a decently large scale and I have been through a few dozen ballasts and hundreds of bulbs in these 15+years. I have used all types of bulbs/distances/strains/ballasts.

B)That super-cropping is perfect and it doesn't cause any lack of noticeable yield or quality. My plants (thousands and thousands of super-cropped branches) never take more than 2-3 days to heal well enough to be back on track.

C) There are a wide variety of spectrums to be found among HID bulbs. Between HPS and MH they pretty much have the red and blues covered. I understand why one would want to use T5's for spectrum control, just trying to inspire someone to play with HID spectrums so I can reap the harvest of your experiments in the forum of golden delicious knowledge and data.


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear that 2-3 days bit, I used to be more proactive with my grows ima put more time in to the next one, top them, then fim the 6 or so colas I get outwards make em stout n bushy metal halide for vedge multi spec for flower, buy a thermometer wich I ain't had for a while lol and keep temps around 65 and actually write down the date I switch to 12/12 instead of making educated guesses based on instinct.
Rm3 I read briefly in another thread about the boil thing sounds dodgy but il try it, did u say u leave the lights on for 72 hours straight after you boil em or did I misread something. Silusbotwin would u say I'm correct with topping low in the plant to make about 6 colas then super cropping them? Wots ur approach?

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Glad to hear that 2-3 days bit, I used to be more proactive with my grows ima put more time in to the next one, top them, then fim the 6 or so colas I get outwards make em stout n bushy metal halide for vedge multi spec for flower, buy a thermometer wich I ain't had for a while lol and keep temps around 65 and actually write down the date I switch to 12/12 instead of making educated guesses based on instinct.
Rm3 I read briefly in another thread about the boil thing sounds dodgy but il try it, did u say u leave the lights on for 72 hours straight after you boil em or did I misread something. Silusbotwin would u say I'm correct with topping low in the plant to make about 6 colas then super cropping them? Wots ur approach?
that is correct on the 72 hrs, originally the technique took longer because you would drown the roots for a week or 2, boiling them just gets the process started immediately. What you are doing is killing the roots and starving the plant of oxygen, which, when you starve sugars of 02, a process happens. doesn't anyone watch moonshiners?


Well-Known Member
Glad to hear that 2-3 days bit, I used to be more proactive with my grows ima put more time in to the next one, top them, then fim the 6 or so colas I get outwards make em stout n bushy metal halide for vedge multi spec for flower, buy a thermometer wich I ain't had for a while lol and keep temps around 65 and actually write down the date I switch to 12/12 instead of making educated guesses based on instinct.
Rm3 I read briefly in another thread about the boil thing sounds dodgy but il try it, did u say u leave the lights on for 72 hours straight after you boil em or did I misread something. Silusbotwin would u say I'm correct with topping low in the plant to make about 6 colas then super cropping them? Wots ur approach?
IMO, SCROG is the most efficient way to grow, period. Your idea sounds pretty damn close in terms of efficiency. My approach is a multi-faceted one using super-cropping, scrogging, LST, and anything else I need to keep my canopy even, relatively thin and full. I say I keep it then because those lower buds are useless except for hash or personal stash, and when the lower growth is removed earlier before or at the beginning of flower, the plant will use all the energy it saves from supporting the larfy bottom junk will go towards weight in the valuable tops. The whole trick is to have a canopy with no holes for light to pass through and any growth that isn't getting light should be cut off.

that is correct on the 72 hrs, originally the technique took longer because you would drown the roots for a week or 2, boiling them just gets the process started immediately. What you are doing is killing the roots and starving the plant of oxygen, which, when you starve sugars of 02, a process happens. doesn't anyone watch moonshiners?
Fuckin Tickle man. Hes alright with me.