High Pressure And Low Pressure Environments. Good or bad?

Fuck Snails

Active Member
I've been hearing alot about high pressure environments and low pressure as well...
what exactly is a high pressure or low pressure environment?

Someone told me it has to do with the intake and exhaust of the room and at which rates they are bringing in and taking out air...

Can someone please tell me what I want and what I dont want?

Rep will be given. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
A high pressure environment is when your intake fans move more air than your exhaust fans, causing the air pressure inside your room, tent, box, whatever to be higher than the ambient pressure. A low pressure environment is when your intake fans move less air than your exhaust fans, causing the air pressure inside your room, tent, box, whatever to be lower than the ambient pressure. You want a low pressure environment, so any air leaks (there will be plenty!) will go INTO the tent. If air leaks OUT of the tent, it will be released into your home and the surrounding neighborhood without being filtered through your carbon filter, inviting unwanted attention.

Fuck Snails

Active Member
Thanks a grip bro....
I hope this thread helps someone else in the future..I was lucky enough to find someone earlier who could explain it to me and you writing that just verified it in entirety...
REP'D...Thanks a lot RED!!!

So for future readers....

HIGH PRESSURE- BAD. (air leaks=odor leaks)
