Hillary Clinton’s camp is FEARFUL of Bernie Sanders..

I don't agree with Bernie on all issues believe me but the issues that I think are the most important like getting corruption out of our government, he's the best qualified. I will never not vote for someone I feel is best qualified for the job just because I don't think other people will vote for him
1. I said he would need media to get the democratic nomination.
2. I said I would vote for him if it was between him and clinton with no other choices.
3.You have to admit even though he is honest (which I admire) he carries just a bit of that nasty stench of communism which I dont agree with.
4. Are you trying to say this forum is only for communists/progs or that you just cant handle peoples opinion that dont agree with you?

are you saying communists and progressives are the same?
are you saying communists and progressives are the same?

Communism can mean many thingsand often refers to the economic endpoint proposed by Marx and ranted about by Lenin Stalin etc as they were oppressing their people and killing off their critics. (interestingly in the political forum here there are people with Lenin quotes in there signature)

Socialism in Marxist theory is a precursor before communism. It also has a range of similar meanings in other countries, but mostly means something like yes I do value private property. may I have yours now?

Progressivism is a newer name given to the same fucked up ideology from which Communism and Socialism arose. Progressivism came around in the 20s. It promotes the idea of a big centralized government which assumes responsibility for feeding, housing and caring for people in exchange for the wealth they generate by there labor. Many progressives are communists.

for a better understanding check this out-Is progressiveness the new communism
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Communism can mean many thingsand often refers to the economic endpoint proposed by Marx and ranted about by Lenin Stalin etc as they were oppressing their people and killing off their critics. (interestingly in the political forum here there are people with Lenin quotes in there signature)

Socialism in Marxist theory is a precursor before communism. It also has a range of similar meanings in other countries, but mostly means something like yes I do value private property. may I have yours now?

Progressivism is a newer name given to the same fucked up ideology from which Communism and Socialism arose. Progressivism came around in the 20s. It promotes the idea of a big centralized government which assumes responsibility for feeding, housing and caring for people in exchange for the wealth they generate by there labor. Many progressives are communists.

for a better understanding check this out-Is progressiveness the new communism

Aren't you that one guy that got banned?
Although I am certainly not a liberal most independents would vote for Bernie over the hildabeast.
Its a question of integrity Bernie though a socialist freely admits it, and comes across as a honest man.
Hildabeast however has lies and corruption oozing from every pore.
As for confronting other candidates Hildabeast has yet to take serious questions from any serious press as
she is worried about having to confront her zillion scandals.
I would say though Bernie is a good man who I disagree with but if he loses the nomination its
due the media.

I dont know much about Bush serving on boards although that should be a good thing even though America does not need another Bush.
I do understand though the Clintons are in the Russian uranium business.

P.S. Americans support good trade deals not shitty ones that cater to big business, offshore our jobs, and bring in huge numbers of ultra low wage workers.

is hildabeast the new obummer?

i kinda use it as an identifier for idiots.
Bernie is apparently honest and sincere, he is simply wrong about almost everything he says.
This is why I could never support or vote for him.

Bernie says:
"You can’t just continue growth for the sake of growth in a world in which we are struggling with climate change and all kinds of environmental problems. All right? You don’t necessarily need a choice of 23 underarm spray deodorants or of 18 different pairs of sneakers when children are hungry in this country. I don’t think the media appreciates the kind of stress that ordinary Americans are working on."

This is a very old and thoroughly discredited idea, one that dates back to Karl Marx and to the anti-capitalists who preceded him. It is a facet of the belief that free markets are irrational, and that if reason could be imposed on markets — which is to say, if reason could be imposed on free human beings — then enlightened planners could ensure that resources are directed toward their best use. This line of thinking historically has led to concentration camps, gulags, firing squads, purges, and the like, for a few reasons: The first is that free markets are not irrational; they are a reflection of what people actually value at a particular time relative to the other things that they might also value. Real people simply want things that are different from what the planners want them to want, a predicament that can be solved only through violence and the threat of violence. That is the first reason that this sort of planning leads to gulags. The second is that there are no enlightened planners; men such as Senator Sanders imagine themselves to be candidates for enlightened leadership, but put a whip in his hand and the gentleman from Vermont will turn out to be another thug in the long line of thugs who have cleaved to his faith. The third reason that this sort of planning always works out poorly is that nobody knows what the best use of resources actually is; all that the would-be masters know is that they do not approve of the current deployment of resources.

Senator Sanders may insist on living in the dark ages, and his view is not without its partisans. But those views are crude, they are backward, and they are, objectively speaking, incorrect about the way the economic world works. They are barely a step above superstition, and they merit consideration for only one reason: “Voters — all they gotta be is eighteen.”
Bernie Sanders’s Dark Age Economics
Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/418926/bernie-sanderss-dark-age-economics-kevin-d-williamson

good copy and paste, suggesting that bernie sanders will put people in concentration camps is sure to be taken seriously.

bonus points for usage of free markets and central planners. original stuff.
Communism...Marx...Lenin Stalin......Lenin...Socialism...Marxist...communism...private property...Progressivism...Communism...Socialism...Progressivism ...big centralized government ...progressives... communists.... progressiveness ...communism

did you plagiarize that from kynes?
i's just the same old tired shit.

obummer hildabeast chosen one left wing media communist central planner concentration camps!

free market liberty individual manly muslim immigrant butt sex freedom.

i have won the debate.
HOLD ON. Wasn't your profile picture of some HillBill campaign promo last year?

Just curious.
Bitch is fickle as f**k.

She still doesnt realise that her new hero "Bernie" is literally the opposite to "the One" she has been worshipping these last 7 years.
Bitch is fickle as f**k.

She still doesnt realise that her new hero "Bernie" is literally the opposite to "the One" she has been worshipping these last 7 years.

opposite which way? anyone who is not you, is opposite of you, whether left or right..