Hillary got to the tip of the Weiner.


Well-Known Member
Call in the ROFLcopter, a triple response from RIU's finest saying the exact same thing. Who is brainwashed again?

Too funny.

Don't yall have some "n words" to misquote, thereby expressing the word inappropriately?
Nothing to say about equating Islam with 'Satanism', then? I noticed you dodged the question, twice....


Well-Known Member
I'm mildly curious: Do you think your racism/homophobia/Islamophobia/nazism/etc. stems from living in a trailer? Studies have shown that scumbag rednecks living on the fringes (IE: shitkicker flyover states) often hold these warped beliefs and feelings.
those fly over states feed the world though. Your fat ass would literally starve to death without a food truck nearby and have you ever tried growing the tobacco you smoke? It's a wonderful pest controller btw, on so many levels up to and including the fact some is surly hanging off your lips atm.


Well-Known Member
Motel 6? Aren't those dumps around $50 per night? That's 100 penny rolls for fuck's sake!

He'd better play it safe and take her back to the trailer for some angry meth 'sex'.

View attachment 3819198
Umm, yeah, well it doesn't seem to be working out very well for that guy, does it? Of course, kissing her under the watchful eyes of the deputy isn't a much of a mood enhancer either. If Motel 6 is out of @twostrokenut 's price range, a blanket laid out in a private hollow in the woods would be a better bet. Of course, he might get his 60 year old high school graduation suit dirty but what with the popped buttons and moth holes, I'd say the suit died a warrior's death.


Well-Known Member
those fly over states feed the world though. Your fat ass would literally starve to death without a food truck nearby and have you ever tried growing the tobacco you smoke? It's a wonderful pest controller btw, on so many levels up to and including the fact some is surly hanging off your lips atm.
Don't wanna talk about your nazi fishing trips or why you equated Islam with "Satanism" earlier this morning, eh? I can't blame you, it's pretty deplorable stuff.

Speaking of, were/are you aware that referring to people of color as "purples" is hate speech?

You've been here far too long, hiding among the decent folks. This will change, soon....


Well-Known Member
Awesome. If the space ever comes available, I support a MOSQUE there. And another one next door to you...JW's across the street, LDS behind you and a CHURCH OF SATAN a little farther down.....long as you and your neighbors are cool with so many churches around.
Please explain, in your own sepsis-addled 'vocabulary', the similarities between these two.


Well-Known Member
Umm, yeah, well it doesn't seem to be working out very well for that guy, does it? Of course, kissing her under the watchful eyes of the deputy isn't a much of a mood enhancer either. If Motel 6 is out of @twostrokenut 's price range, a blanket laid out in a private hollow in the woods would be a better bet. Of course, he might get his 60 year old high school graduation suit dirty but what with the popped buttons and moth holes, I'd say the suit died a warrior's death.
I like to fuck in the back of my truck, no worries.


Well-Known Member
Comey will end Trump.
Funny how Comey rushed to get the news out that he didn't know what was in former Representative Weiner's e-mail files that might contain something that may have come from Clinton's stupid idea of a server but not sure if Clinton wrote any of them. Yet he has been sitting on Trump's clandestine connections and dialogue with Russia's leaders for about 6 months.

Even today, word from Senator Reid that Comey has this kind of information was hardly discussed in the news.

Yeah, funny that.


Well-Known Member
Don't wanna talk about your nazi fishing trips or why you equated Islam with "Satanism" earlier this morning, eh? I can't blame you, it's pretty deplorable stuff.

Speaking of, were/are you aware that referring to people of color as "purples" is hate speech?

You've been here far too long, hiding among the decent folks. This will change, soon....
There's a fishing thread for that. You're too dumb to find it though so practice the search feature I reckon. Be sure to light another smoke for the journey.

Please explain, in your own sepsis-addled 'vocabulary', the similarities between these two.
Here's the quote where you made the comparison originally in this discussion.

Islam is Satanism
Can you explain why you feel this way? I feel its important for a standard sequential discussion.


Well-Known Member
Don't wanna talk about your nazi fishing trips or why you equated Islam with "Satanism" earlier this morning, eh? I can't blame you, it's pretty deplorable stuff.

Speaking of, were/are you aware that referring to people of color as "purples" is hate speech?

You've been here far too long, hiding among the decent folks. This will change, soon....
No worries I would definitely refer to you as Yellow.


Well-Known Member
Awesome. If the space ever comes available, I support A MOSQUE there. And another one next door to you...JW's across the street, LDS behind you and a CHURCH OF SATAN a little farther down.....long as you and your neighbors are cool with so many churches around.
Still waiting, whenever you are through (weakly, so weakly) attempting to defend/deflect...

Also, reported for Islamophobia.

Your days here are numbered, inbreeder, and I think you know this.....
