HOLA...First time grower...brown tips on leaf, 24/7 light, air circulation



I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I read and read, i got 20 20 20, I added that. made sure i dont over water. I water when the top is dry. I set out the water over night to kill the chlorine.

Light is 4" away. Planted in a 2 gallon bucket.

SOil around to give it light everywhere.

Air circulates.:hump:IMAG0041.jpgIMAG0045.jpgIMAG0047.jpgIMAG0046.jpg

temp is 80-82 degrees.


Well-Known Member
Hi and welcome to RiU :)

Good info ... well done :)

Need more though ...

Ph balenced your water ? if so ... whats your PH ? what soil you useing ?

Dump the tin foil :)

Lay off the nutes for a bit ... How old is the plant ?

Water when POT is dry-ish ... not just the top ... Put your finger in and feel down ...if dry water ...if moist ...dont :)

Again... Welcome to RiU :)


Thanks for the reply.

I am using organic soil.

the plants will be a month in 3 days.

Oh, water when plant is dry?! Nice, I'll remember that.

no tin foil? ok. I will get rid of it.

what should be the cycle of light during this time?

after how long should I see the sex on the plants?

is the Ph meter for the water or the soil?

is there one for both?


Well-Known Member
lay off the nutes bro your burning them no wonder why there so small for 4 weeks of age. dont give them ANY nutrients untill there about 6inches tall. dont let the soil dry out to much water every 3 days and u should be alrite , u can keep the foil ..with those weak ass fluros your going to need as much light as u can get , foil doesnt cause hot spots its a myth.


lay off the nutes bro your burning them no wonder why there so small for 4 weeks of age. dont give them ANY nutrients untill there about 6inches tall. dont let the soil dry out to much water every 3 days and u should be alrite , u can keep the foil ..with those weak ass fluros your going to need as much light as u can get , foil doesnt cause hot spots its a myth.
Lay off the nutes? Ok

water every 3 day? got it.

should I change the light back to 24/7?

After how long can I tell if they are male of female?

thx mucho grande!

Cannabis patient420

Active Member
wut up Dr Dazy .... yo how watt this that clf? and i saw your pictures your plant get burned by the ligth u need put those ligth side ways that where the power at


im use 2 26 watt dayligth 6,5000 my babys are all goood take look at my profile im first time grower

Thank you Mr. Cannabis,

I saw ur profile, ur light is above the plants, so are mine.

I think it was nute burn. Which totally sucks, my plants are growing slow because of the overdose of nutes. :(



Can I tell the age from a month old plant?

One of the pictures is a close up, I dont see the balls nor her hairy vagina ;)

Please advice.


Well-Known Member
Can I tell the age from a month old plant?

One of the pictures is a close up, I dont see the balls nor her hairy vagina ;)

Please advice.
What up Doc? "I think you mean "Can I tell the SEX from a month old plant?" lol Am I right? Anyway, the one close up looks like it might be a he, but hard to tell for sure form the pics. I am sure you know by now though. How many ladies did you end up with and how many were males?


What up Doc? "I think you mean "Can I tell the SEX from a month old plant?" lol Am I right? Anyway, the one close up looks like it might be a he, but hard to tell for sure form the pics. I am sure you know by now though. How many ladies did you end up with and how many were males?
I just started to tell the sex about a week ago, I believe 3 are females and one is a male.

I am not sure on one of the females, but it doesn't look like a male.

So, not sure what to do with the male!!

I now have them on 12/12.



I have a 2 month old male plant. 3 females.

Do I need the male plant for anything?

When do I use the pollen?

Or are the females not in need of pollen?DSCF0199.jpgDSCF0206.jpgDSCF0207.jpgDSCF0198.jpgDSCF0205.jpg

Mr Cannabis Sativa

Active Member
get rid of those males you cant really use them for much except cannabutter and or hash but if you use the pollen on the females your females will start growing seeds taking the power away that they use to grow the bud.
good luck