Holes in leaves! Help! Please!


i have 9 plants under a Solar Storm LED. 5 blues and 4 afghans. They have been doing fine, but yesterday i noticed one plant had a hole in the leaf. No signs of instects, even with 30x loupe. Today, same plant, more holes. None of the other plants have holes in their leaves. Anybody have any ideas?



thanks, i'll look again. prolly not a slug though, climate too dry in NM for slugs.... but i had a bitch of a time one year with those damn tomato hornworms (big nasty catapillars) that ate all my tomato leaves.... and they were hard as hell to see bec they are perfectly camouflaged.

Anyway tonight i cut off the three or four leaves that had holes. i'll take a closer look in the morning and see if there is more damage.

thx for all the support! i love this forum :)