Holes on my marijuana leafs help!!!


Hello everyone im a new user to this site as of yesterday. I'm in the process of growing my first plant its abt 3 feet now and its been doing really great but i went oustside this morning and relized that some of my leafs had little tiny holes in them i dnt know what they are or what it could be from please help ..i enclosed some pics. thanks ..



Well-Known Member
b t Bacillus Thuringiensis at orchard supply? works for worms
It's not worms that he's worried about. If it were, you'd probably see trails on the leaves. I suspect the other person is right and they are mites because of the tiny spots of discoloration.

I would advise that you look UNDER the affected leaves for signs of tiny mites and eggs. If you spot evidence of tiny spider mites, you'll want to take quick action and treat with a miticide. Lowes carries Fungicide 3 which has miticide in it. You have to spray both surfaces of the leaves, so get the concentrate with a dial in garden sprayer.

Good luck


Dude did you see bugs? Is it everywhere? Outdoor plants have some holes some times. shit you think insects passing by don't want a nice bit of a perfect plant. they look good don't make a problem where one doesn't exsist. Bug problems r mainly indoor. It's hella easy to cure out door. And i don't just mean fucking ladybugs and shit. do what u want but i've got a tree with mights in my yard and perfect plants. You can always invest in a magnifing glass and just look. What an idea. See if you have a problem before freaking out. You'll need one for harvest I'm sure. If you're smart


@duggie style ..well i went outside again today and yes i did look under the leafs and their was little bugs under some of the leafs they looked small kinda like nats i dont own a magnifing glass, and im kinda freaking out here because like i said it is my first plant ..i been reading up so much abt what to do if you have spidermites and theres so many different things they say to use ..my plant is just strating to flower now ..so what do you think should i just go with neem oil and water? and yes i will invest in a magnifing glass.. i hate for my plant to not make it she looks so good and smells even better !!!


yes, go with the oil, but you need to look around and c whats in your area causing it. it most likely is coming from a source. If u don't locate and eliminate it after you get rid of start to they come back and it will be worse. I accually never had a bug prob. outdoors but i always did what i could before. it comes with time to learn what will cause a prob, and what wont.
what do have around it, blowing in it(trees,plants,vines ext.).Also what nuts u using? And of course wile you wait to figure out what to diffently do, get some lady bugs. Your out doors hopefully they were just passing trough. if you can your taking all infected leaves off?
Good Luck!!!


Well-Known Member
Those holes are from grasshoppers..
Those things under your leaves are probably mites...
Mites do not make holes.. they just suck the life out of your plant
mites, like aphids are suckers....
Hi from Michigan. I have those same holes here. I have never had a serious problem with bugs. Mites arent a problem outdoors here and I dont think what you got is that.


@duggie style well thanks alot for your input on my situation..There is a tree of my neighboors kinda going over my fence i tried to cut most of it down without it falling into my plant because this tree has some sort if sap getting on my leafs and ,that tree does have some webs in it..so i think that might be the source of where the problem came from..so ill go outside today and remove the leafs that have holes on them ..man i didnt relize that this was gonna be so much work thought i put a plant in the grown and it would grow with water and sun lol..guess thats what i get for thinking ..then ill go with the oil..


@shecker will the grasshoppers eat my plant up? wow so much i need to learn is there anything i can buy that will kill all the bugs that will hurt my plant?