Holy Grail 69 Bubbleponics run


Active Member
Quick update, chopped the remaining big fan leaves on new colas, did res change and am going to be putting the other babies in, in a little while.

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Active Member
20150507_082623.jpg This is almost 24 hours since res change and cutting off big fan leaves. Everything stable and bouncing back well.

I was having low pH issues and therefore locking out nutes. Very slow short growth for the first/last 30 days. Everything fixed and experience gained.


Active Member
Quick update, since they responded well to the air bath and res change yesterday and began growing good again I decided to top them one last time for 8 mains and clean everything up again. Just over 30 days from seed. 2 newbies are trying to adjust to the new environment, covered with cups to shade direct light and keep humidity higher.
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Active Member
So after the last res change and lowering the nutes to flush any build up of nutes in the older plants because of pH issues and to have a lower nutes mix for the babies that went in, babies looking good and taking off, very good root growth very fast. The older 2 (45ish from seed) began yellowing in the new growth and leaves when the level of nutes were lowered 2 days ago, upped the nutes a little bit yesterday and they are looking greener. Going to do a partial res change tomorrow and up the nutes back to the previously scheduled veg cycle for another 2 to 3 weeks before switching to flower in 3 to 4 weeks.


Active Member
Update, 8 heads now ready to grow out. See the yellowing because of the underfeeding in just 48 hours. The underfeeding was somewhat intentional as I needed to introduce 2 babies into the same resivior, I had expected to see them respond like this.
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Active Member
Babies growing good but what gives with their stems wanting to lean sideways? They were standing stall and straight up until a day after they were transplanted.20150511_105107.jpg20150511_105114.jpg 20150511_105123.jpg 20150511_105131.jpg


Active Member
Quick update, this girl is growing a lot more on one side then the other. I may have been a little rougher on that side and did more damage then good while training.20150513_091015.jpg20150513_091044.jpg
Here is the other HG69 girl looking great and spread out nicely. 20150513_091027.jpg20150513_091035.jpg 20150513_091115.jpg 20150513_091133.jpg
Here are the babies,

Kritical K20150513_091052.jpg
Blueberry Skunk20150513_091100.jpg


Active Member
Just 10 days since completing the mainlining for 8 heads and cleaning up all other growth below. They are looking real good and growing out fast, res change/ replenish tomorrow and first topping for the babies.
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Active Member
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quick update, everything looking good. 10"x10" on the HG69 mainlines. KK topped for 4 and BS still a day or so behind left for 2 still.


Active Member
Right about 14 days left until flip to flower. The HG69's smell really tropical, more mango than pineapple so far.


Active Member
So more and more rusty spotting and coloring on the tips of 1 plant. Decided to change out res today and change up my nutes. Switched to Lucas formula 8ml micro and 16ml bloom. Added cal-mag and the gh liquid compost tea as well each at 1tsp per gallon. ph'ed to 6. Hopefully this schedule will give them just enough of what they want and need and be easier to maintain the pH with. Photos to come tomorrow.


Active Member
HG69's have a really strong tropical smell, stems covered in tiny little hairs and trichomes.

BS was a little stunted when I almost broke one cola off while trying to bend her over. Still no real noticeable smell from her.

KK is growing fast, topped for 4. Stems a little resinous and she is smelling amazing. Really lemony and very much like pine sol. She is exciting me a lot.