holy shit


Well-Known Member
mushroom growers, stock up for winter...

the end of summer is dry, you want dry/aged horse manure for a bulk mushroom substrate. august/september is prime time for finding a pile of shit.

craigslist is the way to go. "wanted: dry/aged horse manure for next spring's vegetable garden". if there are horses around you, people will beg you to take some manure, otherwise they pay to get it hauled away.

2 rubbermaid tubs and a shovel, in the back of the super audi.

filled these up today, some primo horse shit. ~40lb, totally dry and full of firefang. it's aged enough that there's not piss ammonia smell, which is undesirable but not bad.

i'll let the shit sit in the sun for a few days, stirring occassionally, keeping it inside if it rains. i want it dry dry dry.

eventually, i'll pasteurize it and mix it with some colonized PFTEK cakes or grain jars.

fun fun



Well-Known Member
i'll try to put a grow journal together when i use it.

thankfully, it doesn't smell at all. all the piss ammonia and shit sulfur smells have been leached and dried away.


Well-Known Member
I like this thread. Its a good reminder and makes the depressing end of summer more appealing.

I wonder if other kinds of dried shit works (at all or as well)...aka dog shit.


Well-Known Member
Cow paddys... =]

Or better put BullShit... =0

I think it works better with grazing animals... =]

Not sure though... ??


Well-Known Member
dog shit is bad, human shit is bad. any animal that eats any protein is bad. only use poo from strictly vegetarian animals.

cowshit is ok, they digest food to well so people usually add some straw to the poo. horses don't digest food as well (less stomachs) so there is a bunch of undigested fiber in horse shit. you can see what looks like grass in my picture.


Well-Known Member
holy shit, horse shit is awesome

i got started on winter projects. incredible results. after working with grains, i swore never to use PFTEK again. after working with poo, i'll never make a casing again.

items need
1. one quart jar colonize with mycellium
2. horse shit from a horse's ass. leached and dried.
3. oven roasting bags from the market, or autoclave bags from the hyperweb
4. aluminum baking pans from the market
5. cellophane plastic wrap
6. zipties
7. spoon
8. large pot/kettle
9. thermometer

preparation instructions follow. first pasteurize the horse shit, then spawn it with colonized grain.

1. break up horse shit real well, remove rocks and sticks
2. add enough water to hydrate the poo
3. squeeze the poo real good and get rid of any water that comes out, it should not be liquidy at all. dry and clumpy is good.
4. load the horse shit into an oven bag, small enough to fit in the kettle. squeeze out all excess air and close end with multiple zipties.
5. boil water
6. put the shit bag into the water and turn heat down.
7. maintain 175F temperature water for ~90min
8. allow shit bag to cool for several hours
9. divide the horse shit into your aluminum baking pans such that the pans are 3/4 full
10. divide your colonize mycellium on top of the horse shit
11. stir well, breaking up shit clumps and mycellium clumps
12. cover with plastic wrap and store in a warm, dark place

3-5 days later, the entire pan will be recolonized with bright white mycellium. literally bursting from what used to be a pile of horse shit. it's beautiful. i'll get some pictures when i put them in the fruiting chamber.


Well-Known Member
posting from the coffee shop so i can upload some pictures. good stuff

pictures go back in time.

ready to pick


shit and grain spawn


Well-Known Member
Your shrooms look like their lacking bro, maybe you should re evaluate your technique. And your cases look overlayed and wet.