holy shit


Well-Known Member
It took me a minute to get what you were saying... I was like what a fucking blueberry roach.... how does he know what flavor the bug was? haha
Thats pretty crazy though
Man my cat wouldnt even go near a blunt clip it fuckin fates the smell of weed smoke ...
I read cats are suppost to like weed plants though...
You must be right. My cat loves my plants, but hates the smoke. Too bad.


New Member
Oh lordie this is so true.:?
I look back at some of my posts and its like
:"what was I thinking."?????

funny:oops: I think most of the time, I write and then think.:-|

My cat likes to walk around my plants when I am in there and she has knocked over a few of them but she's not into weed like I am so leaves it alone.:mrgreen:
I concur, chill dude. stoned people talk about all kinds of shit. That's what makes this site a scream... Everyone at some time goes back to see what they've written and say what the fuck was I flapping my gums about.... see??


Active Member
when i was groing back in the day i have a 50 gallon fish tank with 2 purple plants in there one night i got really baked while that cat was in there and my door was shut so she couldent get out i fall asleep and i wake up the cat is sleeping in the middle of the plants i was like wtf get out of there it was pretty funny the first time but man i had to make sure that she wasent in my room or she'll lay with them man my cat was a stoner lol but my dumass brother forgot to shut the door when we left to a party cuz we shared a room and she got in there and she was a outside inside cat so she had fleas i come back the next day my plants are bitten the fuck up by those fleas i got pissed